Complete Varsity?

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Here is a picture of one I came across this summer..Your bike is in great shape. :wink: Today I put it on C/L
I need to thin things out..LOL
A nice young lady just who just finished up with the Navy bought my Varsity for $85. Had to thin the herd and it was too large for me. And there's an open hook for a varsity that does fit me, and I have a Typhoon frame coming my way. I just noticed that yours is the right size frame for me.

It would have gone for a little more cash, but the rear wheel wasn't Schwinn.
jaydub said:
Here is a picture of one I came across this summer..Your bike is in great shape. :wink: Today I put it on C/L
I need to thin things out..LOL
I sold mine Today for $150.00 not bad for a dump score and 2 hours to clean it up.. :lol: