More of a revision than a build...
As a break from some of the tedious finish work on ECHO I made some quick, down and dirty revisions to Nautilus for this riding season. Nautilus never seamed right to me. To rough to be what I think of as a stretched cruiser, to long to be a rough bobber. The color always bothered me too. Looked like it was made of wood. Plus, the ride was sluggish and it suffered from a heavy back end. And, I could never get the chain to stop from rubbing the guard!
Guard removal, a couple cuts and re-welds, different seat, a spray of black, and pass at different handlebars. I'm much happier with it (for now). Definitely a better ride and it will actually stop without foot-drag assist. Hopefully some more of the existing rust will start to poke through the new black soon.
The before:
As a break from some of the tedious finish work on ECHO I made some quick, down and dirty revisions to Nautilus for this riding season. Nautilus never seamed right to me. To rough to be what I think of as a stretched cruiser, to long to be a rough bobber. The color always bothered me too. Looked like it was made of wood. Plus, the ride was sluggish and it suffered from a heavy back end. And, I could never get the chain to stop from rubbing the guard!
Guard removal, a couple cuts and re-welds, different seat, a spray of black, and pass at different handlebars. I'm much happier with it (for now). Definitely a better ride and it will actually stop without foot-drag assist. Hopefully some more of the existing rust will start to poke through the new black soon.
The before: