I’m not motivated to finish death trap. It’s been 30s F at night and 40s F during the day with constant blustery north winds. 27 F wind chill yesterday, lots of rain and a few hours of decent weather over the last two weeks. I haven’t even been riding. I’m still burning wood. At least it’s much better than last year, we still had snow on the ground the last week of May. Hiawatha’s Revenge gravel ride is on Memorial Day weekend and there are often still snow banks from the winter plowing. No snowbanks this spring as we hardly had any snow last winter. Oh, and the black flies are out whenever it gets to 50 F, yeah. I’m going to have to get my butt in gear and finish the mock up and start test beating it before it gets warm because you won’t be able to go outside for a few weeks because of the black flies and mosquitos.