Dec 6th! New England Holiday Get Together??

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FZ I think Worcester is being spoken of cuz it's central to all. The NH and ME folks will have a 1-1/2 to 2 hour drive there as well as the CT, Western MA and RI people as well. I didn't mention it to benefit any colony in particular, but all colonies. Far as I know, there are no NERRBs from Worcester.

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FZ I think Worcester is being spoken of cuz it's central to all. The NH and ME folks will have a 1-1/2 to 2 hour drive there as well as the CT, Western MA and RI people as well. I didn't mention it to benefit any colony in particular, but all colonies. Far as I know, there are no NERRBs from Worcester.

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I appreciate the consideration, and I understand meeting at a middlepoint, I just felt R.I was worth a thought before being dismissed, given not much does happen here in the way of bikes. Im all for Mass, though I guess it was worth a try to bring it a Little closer..
I saw a start time of 5:eek:o and that even sounds better.Any kind of
bowling is fine with me. Let's grab a couple of lanes,bevs,and have
some fun. Bring bikes to show inside.Who's the Big Lebowski,Kingpin,etc.?
I'll bring the trophies!:thumbsup:...Stevil
Id be The Donnie... Completely out of my Element
I saw a start time of 5:eek:o and that even sounds better.Any kind of
bowling is fine with me. Let's grab a couple of lanes,bevs,and have
some fun. Bring bikes to show inside.Who's the Big Lebowski,Kingpin,etc.?
I'll bring the trophies!:thumbsup:...Stevil
Agreed on the 5P start and fun - :thumbsup: on the trophies! :banana:not that I bowl good enough to win one - Oh well, it's all about the fun factor with friends!
You had me at "get together" but lost me at o_O "bowling"
Last time I went bowling I put my shoulder out..and my hip:( And throwing bowling balls around indoors while consuming Adult beverages ummmm....I don't think you want me around. You saw what happens when I try to ride a bike:crazy: I'd love to see you all again before summer but I'm gonna pass. I shall miss you guys :cry: In reality,even though bowlings "not my thing" I would still probably come if I could. My mechanic however has recently told me that my car has one foot in the grave and advised me to start looking for a new one and not to drive any long distances. So I'll be sticking close to home for awhile. Have fun you guys whatever you decide to do! P.S. Do you think I used an excessive amount of emoticons? :confused::rolleyes::D:p;):crazy: No, I didn't think so either.:crazy2::banana:
Jane,Get a Driver with a good Car! Get down to the Alley and Party with Us!
Just keep score for us...see what you can do...Stevil
Jane,Get a Driver with a good Car! Get down to the Alley and Party with Us!
Just keep score for us...see what you can do...Stevil
What date was decided on, Dec 6? Also what place was decided, Worcester or Shrewsbury?
6th seems to be the day right now. No finalized location though.

You should try to come though. Get Trina to drive...the more the merrier.

Btw, what's wrong with your car? And what are you looking to buy?
6th seems to be the day right now. No finalized location though.

You should try to come though. Get Trina to drive...the more the merrier.

Btw, what's wrong with your car? And what are you looking to buy?

More like what Isnt wrong with my car? Its a 96 Honda Accord. Steering pump needs to be replaced, needs right front axle, has "several oil leaks" the brake lines and fuel lines are so rusted that they are fused to eachother so that would just be opening a can of worms,needs front end alignment.. several other things... but the biggest thing is the transmission is on its way out. Would be more than the value of the car to fix just that alone. Looking for a Toyota or Honda but cant afford much. I'll ask Trina if she wants to go but not sure if we can afford another over nighter. We don't really want to drive that far and back the same night. By the way, as far as the size of the balls.. I prefer smaller balls ;)
If its candle pin I say we bet Bicycle pink slips. For me its more so a Date issue ,, Geez I may be able to go to this ..