Definitely off topic ! Being estranged from family. Advice?

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Feb 23, 2009
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Hi all,

I'm learning its a small world when it comes to how many people don't talk to members of their family, and they get along with it just fine. I just thought I'd share my situation with you and would appreciate any type of advice, or would like to hear similar stories from you.

It has been near four months since I've spoken to my parents or brother. I am a mid 20's male that has been living independently since a teenager. I am older than my brother by four years and have always been stamped as the 'loser in the family' for not ever attending college. I am the type of person to stray from the path everyone else takes and create my own. I grew up in a household where my little brother was king of the castle and received anything at his request and could never be held accountable for anything he did wrong. I was always to blame, and left to bare the consequences of his bad actions. He is in his early 20s and of course still lives with my parents; which pay all of his expenses, food and clothe him while he attends college. My father has a severe alcohol problem and his temper can become quite vicious very quickly.

I own my own home that I purchased when I was 20, work a physically demanding job and own an impressive collection of antique cars and antiques that sum a value of over $600,000 on todays market. I mention this because I feel it is with jealous intentions that my brother is the way he is towards me, and perhaps my father is right there with him.

I restore vintage cars as the number one important hobby in my life. While growing up my family always looked at me as a fool to have an interest in anything old, outdated or needing repair. When it caught on that there was money to be made, my father and brother jumped on the wagon and tried engaging in one type of car that I deal with. My brother stole many parts from me without my knowing, even right off of a car that I was currently restoring for use on his car that I had found for him. When confronted on this; it was denied and my father took his side as if I was an enemy.

The response I have been given for the reasoning of the thefts is simply 'well, you weren't using them', or 'your brother needed the parts'. I would have given them most of the parts had they asked me or even acknowledged that it was wrong to just take them from me without telling me. I am the sole owner of the parts and the total value is very minimal, but still priceless when it comes to being hard to find vintage car parts.

I have asked for the parts back to which I never received my request. I have asked for an apology, or the acknowledgement that it was wrong to take my parts without asking me to which I also have never received my request. I am a non confrontational type of person but I told them how I felt and that I was shocked that my own family would do this to me. This started a whirlwind of vicious verbal attacks on my personal being; insults towards my home, my hobbies and my lifestyle of never attending college. It was made clear by my father and brother that I was not of any importance in their life and my sole purpose was only to be used by them. Throughout this charade my poor mother has sided with them out of fear of what may become if she did not.

Realizing that I was unwanted in the family I ceased all contact and refused to answer any phone calls or emails sent by any of the three. I was so stunned, confused, hurt and angry over all of this that I had a minor stroke due to the bursting of an aneurysm in my brain that caused me to be hospitalized for the first time in my life. My girlfriend called my parents to inform them of this; to which they had no reply. While I was in the hospital, and since then I have not heard one word from them; not even to find out if I was alive. It has been two months since the minor stroke.

It has been four months since the last contact with my family. I am angry, upset and hurt; but not so much because of the theft and insults from them - but because I am greatly in emotional pain because they are my family; I am their son and brother. I have been there for them and held my hand out many times. I offered to pay my parents mortgage off completely for them two years ago and was kicked out of the house as they took it to be an insult. I have always offered an ear to listen to my brother's problems, to teach him history about cars, even to locate his cars for him. I have always been the one to take meaningless family artifacts out of the closet and proudly display them. Whenever there is a family problem I would ponder solutions until my brain just couldn't think anymore. It hurt me greatly to have missed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and new years with the rest of my family all because it was at their house and I was not invited.

But alas here I am, alienated by them for declaring that I have had enough of the blame and being taken advantage of.

But then again, here I am..wishing I had my family back, wishing they cared enough about me to come visit me when I could have died two months ago.

What would you do if you were in this situation..?
You are the only grown-up in this situation, It is nice to be around family but what you describe IS NOT family, you are much better off without them. Look what you accomplished on your own. They will not change, if you rekindle the relationship you will continue to be insulted and used by them. Cut your losses and enjoy your life as you have created it. My heart goes out to you. Rick
My family isn't as bad as yours, but it's the same problem. They won't change now or ever. I focused on my own immediate family and developed relationships properly. If your family decides to reconcile, it only means they want something, like money, then they will revert back to their true colors after they have what they want. My advice is to focus on your immediate family and make it a desirable situation. You are not responsible for the problems in the family you grew up with. They will only provide more disappointment as the years go by. Don't let them hold you back. Let them go.
I feel for your situation, we all seem to come from a some what disfunctional family, but yours seems a little extreme. I agree with KZ, you are better off without their poison in your life, but I understand not wanting to do that. As I tell others in similar situations, would you choose them as friends? I would also suggest talking to some one about this because it is obviously eating you up inside. Seems you have done some great and positive things in your life, and many know you can be very successful without college.
:shock: wow man...sounds like my family.. I was the estranged son for 7 or 8 years in my 20's... we have been in contact for 15 yrs now..... we are all still insane but mind our P's and Q's for the sake of the kiddies and grandkids ...
My family is not like this and I can't speak from experience. However since the time I was 15 or 16 I have had serious issues with depression. It was around this time that a rift formed in my relationship with my family. On the surface we get along and everything is fine. They know my struggles and have helped when they can. But only financially. On the emotional front and the heart of my depression issues they are closed off to me. I get no response if I try to communicate what I have learned or my progress from therapy. I have two brothers, one older and one younger. My younger brother has been more of a friend to me for the past 15 years. We hang out and he helps me out and I help him out when needed. My older brother however is way different. We have no animosity towards each other, but yet we have nothing in common. Nothing at all to talk about. It's awkward making "small talk" with your own brother. All three of us kids now live away from home. My older brother and sister-in-law are always at my parents place. My younger brother just bought a house and has had lots of help from my parents with renovations he's been doing. I moved out years ago into an apartment, moved twice and had a house at one point. At no time did I have any visitors from my family. I lost my house when I split with my ex. I'm on my second apartment since my house and still I barely hear from my family. It bothers me much like your situation. It's hard not being included. But I have made my own way now for years and I won't let my family hold me back from moving forward.
It's your life and you make the best of it. You have a house and a girlfriend and you have hobbies. If your friends are closer than your family then that's what you focus on. My best friend is like another brother to me. Both he and his wife have been my friends for many, many years. Family doesn't have to be blood. If that's all you take from my ramble then I have at least given you that. Your family will eventually come around and wish to include you. Guard against this to keep from being used. Include them in your life but don't let them try and ruin it on you. Be strong and you will come to realize who is more important in your life. Even if it's just to keep your own health in check.
Good luck to you. Take care of yourself.
You don't sound like a loser to me. Owning things doesn't make one any better either IMO. But it shows that you work. Hell I paid for my first 4 years of college with drug money. I was an educated loser according to my Mother. College is a dieing business and is overrated.

I could really care less about what's left of my family (most of the good ones passed away, 5 in the last 7 years). I have only met two people on my Fathers side of the family because he was shunned way back when.

I have plenty of good friends to make up for it.

Send letters. It non confrontational. Exprees how you feel, in an adult manner. If they react like children, that's out of your hands.
Most people go through life expecting it to be fair , or its like everybody else has. Its too often not the case. To destroy yourself mentally because of something that you can't change is wrong. I'm sure if you talked to someone with clinical ability , they would tell you its time to move on. There is no way to make someone like you. Most times it will just eat you up inside. Life is short and its time for you to understand , you get what you get. Make the most of what you have. Find a good faith based church , and put you problem in the hands of God and you might be surprised at the outcome. :wink:
i have always said ..LOOK OUT FOR #1 ...u have made a good life 4 yourself it sounds ,if your family acts like they dont care, well then maybe they dont!! u have 2 worry about u and yours !!
i got into a huge alcohol raged fight with my mom on turkry day ...we didnt talk until xmas ...i didnt loose any sleep over it either ...i was tired of seeing how she treats my autistic,fetal alcohol syndrome.adhd,add,alomost serverly retarded nephew ..he is 19 and has anger issues and has been arrested 3 times for hittin my mom and his mom ...but when she gets drunk and feels like he needs a good whackin ...well she just goes ahead and hits on him ...i told her it was wrong and the only thing she is teaching him is that its ok 2 beat on people ...well she just couldnt understand why i was stickin up for him ...anyway its a screwed up situation 2 say the least ...
i like beau's idea ..send a letter or email ..see what kinda response u get and go from there ...but always keep ur gaurd up ..if it gets hairy ...leave the situation !!! and man if u need 2 talk 2 someone ...for god sakes go talk 2 someone !!! pastor,preist ,dr ,friends ...whatever ...keep ur head up man!!!!! it will get better !!! MIKE
Hi all,

As my luck would have it I just typed out a very long reply and when I pressed submit I received the 'lost internet connection' screen and lost it all! So, here is a short one and I will update later with more of a reply.

Thank you all so very much for the wonderful well-thought responses and advice you have given. This is a situation in which I never thought would happen as I always thought that the day I would lose my parents would be when they are in their 90s-100s and it would be of old age, not 50-60 years sooner and because they no longer want to claim me as their son.

I have so very very much to think about tonight.
I know how you feel, my dad cut off all communication 5 years ago after my mom passed. Me and my sister and 4 grand kids and now 2 great grand kids. I'm 47 and you have to go on with your life. Take care of your self and your lady is number one. If you want go see a counselor, they don't charge alot. Life is to short to worry about the crap that goes on in your life, I think about it almost every day and wish that it would be over but it probably wont ever be over. I go on and take care of my family now.
some things to think about.
i'm the oldest of 3 brothers.
back when i was a kid, i used to get the belt across a bare butt for the smallest discretion.
i was never allowed to drive the family car,had to babysit my brothers all the time and basicly felt like a slave. never in trouble with the law, i was a good kid.
by the time my little bro hit his teens he'd been in trouble with the law (big time) my parents co-signed for a house, bought him 3 cars, never hit him etc etc.
they never did any of that for me.
now as you are reading this you might think my parents loved my bro best, but i can honestly say that is not the case.(they do worry about him more, but thats cause the know i can take care of myself.)
my parents where young when they had me. they have done a lot of growing up since i was a kid.
i was basily the beta run. they learned what did and didn't work with me and tried new things with my bro's. times changed and it became wrong to disapline your child with a smack, and thier $$$$ situation got much better. they also found religon.
these factors are the reason's why my brothers got treated much better than i.
this is usually the case with most families.
the oldest has it the worst, and it gets better with each child.
i've spoken with my parents many times about the way the 3 of us were brought up differently.
they'll be the first to say they did it all wrong,but they made do with what they had. it was never about not loving me.
they had to work longer/harder to give me the things they did, even though my bro was given the world on a silver platter.
they were just in a much better situation by the time my bro was around.
i once made the mistake of acusing my parents, they loved my bro's better than i.
made my mother cry and that made my father pissed off!
i mean it felt that way to me.
what i'm getting at, is there is always 2 sides to the story.
factor is alcohol, and i'm sure your farther is seeing the situation a little differently.
one things for sure, with out your parents birthing you/raising you till you were 15, you wouldn't be in the place you are now.
you owe them that much.
i think your right about the jealousy, but your father and brother are not the only ones that are suffering from it. :)

if you want em in your life, man up, apologise for your part in this situation (however small it may be) and see where it goes. at least you'll be able to sleep at night.

i'm only getting your side of the story but it would seem to me, some of the fault does lie on your shoulders.
and just for the record. in my family, if one of us has something the other needs, its expected
we'll help each other out, no questions asked.

things are just things, and family should be forwever.
good luck
icyoud2 That was a great post.

Here's mine:
Easy for me to say.

Ted Nugent said, you are born at point "A" and you die at point "B". -Kick maximum a55.
You aren't the loser, they are. They should be seeking your approval and not you theirs. They are jealous, not of your possessions, but of something you have, they can never have.

You can steal parts, but you can't steal drive and inner strength. This is what you have, they most want.

Your dad can't believe he created you and your brother just want's to ride your coat tails. They seem to be in admiration of you.

Unless there is some stuff you aren't telling us
Unless there is some stuff you aren't telling us, which I suspect there may be, they just wish they were more like you are.

Here are two really super cool songs (worth the click, I promise) I will take the time to add links to. I hope you take the time to listen to them. They may make you feel better about things. They are some of the coolest, relatively unknown songs ever. -They fit.

Take care of yourself and you might also try answering the phone.

Here are the links:
wow that sucks it sounds like you are well grounded and when your family wanted to get into the biz you opened your arms figuring it would bring everyone together. but one thing i have learned in life is money tends to rip relationships apart. i have lost what i thought were strong friend ships over it and it is trully sad when someone can be so petty over such things. but you do deserve an apology for taking your stuff but dont expect it.
i too am considered the black sheep of my family even though i work for a living, am the president of a bike club, have built two world champ bikes, and lead a clean life. but because of some bad choices i made with drugs in high school i have always been marked with that. it is funny how some bad choices can carry with you for the rest of your life no matter how hard you try to erase them. i would hold your head high for what you have done for yourself and hope that down the line your family will realize the errors of their ways. then maybe try to contact them.
Look toward the future and learn from your past. If/when you start a family of your own you will certainly be more experienced and creating a "family" and keeping it will be that much easier.


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