dent removing al la english wheel

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Feb 9, 2008
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Has anybody tried to use an english wheel to remove dents in bike fenders? I saw several being used on youtube but I was wondering if they are hard to master. Harbor Freight sells a bench model for $149. Really dont want to invest if its hard to learn. I bought a commerical sewing machine one time and then found out i didnt know how to sew. Im trying not to make that same mistake again. :lol: :lol: :oops:
I don't know much about them, but I have heard it is real easy to stretch the metal when using an English wheel and guys have ended up with fenders that no longer have the correct contour to fit the tire. I don't know if a regular fender roller has the same problem. I do know that with a fender roller you can only do rounded fenders, no gothic or peaked ones.
I bought one of Harbor Freights full size models and it works pretty well. I had to have a friend turn a radius on the large anvil to fit the inner radius of bike fenders.There is a guy who sells a fender roller that is much easier to use. I think I have his contact info. The purpose built roler was about twice as much so I opted for the cheaper solution.
Yeah i was thinking that. Every new tool I buy I have to learn how to use so I will probably pick one up and see what happens. It looks like Im going to get a few of these Heavy Duties and the come with stainless fenders so the ol body hammer will not really work as good because i cant bondo them at the end.
Well, English wheels aren't exactly the best tool for removing dents. In my experience with them it would be real hard to remove a dent and real easy to screw up your fender. For the same money you could get their pneumatic planishing hammer. That's the ticket for smoothin out them bumps!!!
I checked a planshing hammer out on you tube and it looks like its good for two things. Irritating the heck out of your neighbors , and mashing your finger a whole bunch of times really fast. :lol:
well you dont need bondo if you practice metal finishing did my sons pixie with hammer and dolly and didnt even need to file or repaint(just practice on an old one abit first and dont swing like you would with a regular hammer just wrist motion and you dont want to hear the dolly or hammer 'ring')
I have a friend who has turned out some amazing aircraft engine fairings in aluminum using an English wheel. He has god-like abilities with the thing...