TheFlyingDingo said:
I had to fight hardcore for some sort of discount on a 2009 Raleigh.
Sort of a long story on this one.
I bought the bike in april of 2010-Just to avoid confusion.
About april of 2009-I went past there to checkout some bikes they had, this is when i first started looking at bikes. They had the raleigh 29er for test ride, I rode it and sort of liked it. It took basically a year for me to decide which bike was right for me. Then they had the bike on clearance for like...610 or something, i cant remember perfectly. I wasnt decided then. Then April of 2010 came around, i had enough money to buy one of the bikes i decided on, and the raleigh was my choice. I went in to see if they would take less (mind you i drove an hour and a half to get there!)
They said they would do 590 so i paid for the bike and they took it in back to do some tests and look at it or whatever. Time goes by, the guy comes out and tells me good news, there was a problem with the stem and he replaced it with a BETTER ONE. It comes out. The bike looks rediculous. The original stem was flat black, the new gloss...all other parts are flat so this sticks out like a sore thumb. I asked what it was about, and he said it was the only one that we had that was AT PAR with the other. I whined and complained and eventually got my money back for the bike. Walked away with no bikey...Sadness. They call me the next day when i find another bike shop that just so happened to have another bike i wanted, I talk to the manager and he gives me a super deal, with a neck THE SAME as the other one that they just so happened to have.
I think i paid 540...For a 900 bike.