Do you bid on stuff on eBay that you don't need or can't buy

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Peatbog said:
It does look like a cool frame. So that is good.

And $35 total is not a bad price at all. If the fork cleans up I might put it on my Diamondback looptail frame as it has the wrong newer (fatter) fork on it.

I've got wheels and parts to assemble this frame and I might actually try to sell a bike around here. :eek:
3 quick items.
1) w/ the shipping price it ain't a hateful price.
2) there are sellers on eBay that have "friends" that will pump up bids. I know it ain't right, but it happens.
3)my best score on eBay was a 20s fixed hub. I set my Max bid at 30 bucks I think. No one bid on it for days. In the last min someone jumped it to 6 bucks I think. Yup. Sometimes you get lucky.
Peatbog said:
Actually, you can just check the "box" where you say you bid an incorrect amount and you can do it. I think it is either 12 or 24 hours before the end of the bidding when you can do that.

I did it recently when I was bidding and noticed that after I bid, the price was bid up by someone bidding 50 cents at a time until they topped my bid and then they stopped. So I later bid again and the same person again bid repeatedly 50 cents at a time (might have been a dollar that time) until they topped my bid, and again they stopped. That seemed stupid and I figured it was the seller just getting my top dollar, so I withdrew the bid. I could be wrong on what was happening, but I don't think I was and I wasn't about to buy from someone running that type of scam.

Actually quite common. I was trying to get a car and had dial up, waited to 3 minutes a to bid a reasonable amount only to have it out bid. Car got relisted, it happened again, that's when i contacted E-bay and they handled it, never saw the car listed again. Saw it a week later in a local "shopper," paper listed very reasonably, went and bought it, ask the guy, he said it was him.
Bet he'd be sad to know I chopped his wrecked Cobra into a bunch of pieces, sold them off for 10X his price, in days....Fast as I could cut/remove them sold.
I just read all the posts on this thread and I have been chuckling the whole time. A lot of it I have done myself and some of it I still do. I'm retired now so I make it a point of being online when an auction I'm interested in is about to finish. I'm somewhat of an addict in that I have bought a lot of items since I joined in 1999 - 4,645 different auction items to be exact (I kept a file) rangeing in price from $.01 to $750. But I have never been bitten by the gambling bug and have never purchased anything I didn't already have a plan for. I love ebay mainly because I can find what I'm looking for and usually for what I consider to be a good price. I used to spend many weekends cruising antique malls and yard sales. The cost of gas now makes that prohibitive and antique mall pricing can be a little high without the competition. Ebay really is a buyers market and it doesn't take me years to find it like the old days. Robert
largek9 said:
Well did you get it? :)

Paid, and have messaged the seller, I had the wrong address in my PayPal account, but it is on it's way, after shipping the bike I got a message that they found a bolt they had forgotten to send with it and they sent it separately, that has already arrived. So far, I have a $35 stem bolt. haha
BIG box arrived today, the frame is solid, and it was well packed, here's the interesting bit.

I paid $20 for the frame and $15 shipping.

The label on the box shows that they paid $22 and change for shipping. They also sent out the stem bolt and paid a few bucks shipping that, so about $25 shipping total, leaving them with $10 profit IF the bike was free, then you have to figure Paypal and eBay fees...

THIS is why I don't try to sell bikes, not worth the trouble.