Is it wrong of me not to keep this bike original? Since no one knows anything about it I doubt it's going to hurt its value.I've ordered a slick rear tire for it I'm going to put on it,just like the looks better.Eventually I'm going to change the handlebars to some longer ones which means I will have to also replace the brake levers since they are welded to the handlebars.I want to replace the seat also,no padding whatsoever is hard on my ...,anybody ever add extra padding to their seat?
Would love to get this seat but dude wants 125 bucks for it plus 36 to ship.I asked why shipping was so much and he said he was in Greece,I didnt realize that but then I got to thinking well since he's in Greece maybe he's seen this bike before,but he knew nothing about it either
Would love to get this seat but dude wants 125 bucks for it plus 36 to ship.I asked why shipping was so much and he said he was in Greece,I didnt realize that but then I got to thinking well since he's in Greece maybe he's seen this bike before,but he knew nothing about it either