Does Rat-Rodding mean we are all GREEN?

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I am not one to belive in the global warming thing.....but I do belive we need to keep better care of this place we call home "earth" It is just so fustrating when you and your town do there part...yet over in another countries on the other side of the world were they care of nothing. Yet continue to dump millions of chemicals into the ocean......

there was once a movie on google and youtube called "The Great Global Warming Swindle" about 1 1/2hrs video debunking and proving that Gore was full of it and only telling half truths! can't find that video on the internet anywere now!!!!!! like it was once said by the gov't......they will belive what we tell them......

it was said by Gore "it is all of mans Co2 gasses that are killing the ozone." if you remember your school chem class ....that the ocean puts out 10 times the amount of Co2 than man could ever produce. Just a thought!

remember do your part Recyle!!!!!
Firewalker, only going to go into one point, the ocean is also the largest absorber of CO2 on the planet, it's nearly balanced what it takes in... CO2 is the building blocks of reefs.
Wowzers! The intent of this post was about our suddenly becoming "trendy"..... not to debate the validity (or lack thereof) of Algore's Global Warming campaign. However... now that it's out of the bag and being discussed, I'd like to point out a things about the current phenomenon of "Global Warming Hysteria" that I find interesting:

1. The vast majority of the folks who claim to be "concenrned about global warming" have actually done nothing to reduce their own carbon footprints. Most are from upper-middle income families (60%), and the rest are either very wealthy (5%) or of average means (35%). Very few are from low-income families. Most of these people when polled directly admit that they have several automobiles in their garages, run their AC units constantly, have houses much larger than the national average, fly more than once per year for pleasure, have multiple television sets in their houses, and leave their computers running more than 12 hrs per day. OBVIOUSLY, these folks are hypocrits.... wanting all of US to change our ways while they themselves do not.

2. "Carbon- Offsets" are a scam. In a recent study that crossed my desk, less than 20% of the money paid into Carbon Offsets actually went to GREEN causes. Most of it went to "Administrative Costs", "Advertising Costs", "Overhead" and "Other Expenses". I actually visited one of the companies to talk to the owner about this, but he would not see me. I DID notice a Mercedes Benz SUV in his parking lot.... and that the building was icy cold inside. I ALSO noticed that while the company's roof was flat and had lots of sunshine, there were no solar panels on the roof. Hhhhhmmmmm Sooooo let me put it in a nutshell.... THEY are making a lot of money of fof the guilty consciences of "Energy Wasters" while they themselves waste energy like there's no tomorrow..... interesting.

3. Ethanol production actually produces more CO2 than fossil fuels.... almost twice as much in fact. That doesn't sound very GREEN to me. (I have first hand knowlege of the CO2 from fermentation... since I make a lot of wine and beer.... )

4. According to the USGS, volcanos produce more CO2 annually than mankind does, and a BIG eruption can produce 10x to 100x as much CO2. Mt St Helens belched out more in one day than WE did in almost a century.

5. The biggest producer of GREEN energy is British Petroleum (BP). Unfortuantely, they spend more on advertising that they make GREEN energy than they do actually making GREEN energy..... and they are also constantly under attack for polluting the atmosphere. Hhhmmmm I guess it's a no-win situation for them.

...and so forth and so on. NOW... please notice that I did not say one way or the other on what I think about whether or not the Earth is actaully Warming up... or if it IS who is to be blamed. SO don't write back and say "IT IS warming up and we are doomed!" I'm not going to debate the matter with you unless you have an advanced degree in a related science, since all you will do is shout back what you heard on TV. (LOL.... like we all believe what they say on TV!)
TornadoDave said:
3. Ethanol production actually produces more CO2 than fossil fuels.... almost twice as much in fact. That doesn't sound very GREEN to me. (I have first hand knowlege of the CO2 from fermentation... since I make a lot of wine and beer.... )

It's unfortunate, but this statement is soooo true. Most of the greenies that I know that are very serious (running WVO or biodiesel, homebrewers, etc) know this, and are attempting to point this out. Unforunately, there is alot of money in this area, both for producers (usually big oil) and agri-business farmers. On top of that, it weakens our own food production centers, exposing us to risk in other areas. If global warming is true, sustainable food production has GOT to become a priority to us, perios.
Another view. My daughter went to the Indiana dunes this summer and I asked her if she saw downtown Chicago across the lake. She said no, that there was a bunch of rain clouds over that way. I broke the news that those wern't clouds, that was the smog, she was disgusted. Your kids reaction to stuff tends to be real honest and true. And here where I live, there's a foundery 4 blocks SW of my house. The people who work there will tell you "that is only steam" from the smoke stack. Come look at our cars, the siding on our house and the window stills, that black soot is everywhere and the rust on my '74 cutlass has gotten worse. On days when the wind blows up from the south, that "steam" has a metallic stench. I do ride my bike to work as much as posible and have done so for a couple of years. I have old cars but they arn't puking smoke out and I do other stuff that's "green". Global Warming aside, these things I've gripe'd about here are unplesant and can't be good at any level.

First off, GLOBAL WARMING could have nothing to do with any influence on earth and everything to do with the influence of the SUN!!! Al Gore is an idiot and wants to do away with man kind. Maybe we should all kill ourselves in hopes to save the planet. Who will enjoy it then. This is nothing but a political circus which stirs the pot and scares the crap out of people who can't think on thier own. Common sense people, common sense!!! Who's to say what environment is best for us and our planet. This is NOT our world, we just live in it!!!

Oh, one more thing, why is this so important on a bicycle forum?

Korporal said:
NOTE: I wrote this after Rat Rod's last reply, considered not posting it, did some work, then decided to post it.

I'll go on ahead and make a somewhat educated argument that's more or less opposite of what's been said so far.

Al Gore is only one of many spokespeople for global warming. He's getting most of the attention (good and bad) having to do with efforts to inform, and efforts to stop global warming because of this. It's the same idea as looking at McDonald's as the example of fast food, and Wal-Mart as the example of discount all-in-one shopping. What needs to be realized is that there are thousands of other people making plenty of noise about global warming on a less than international level. Gore is simply an easy target just as McDonald's and Wal-Mart are.

This does not mean I believe Gore to be a good person. I don't know the guy so I can't comment in this respect. I do respect people who make lots of noise on controversial topics, but don't respect those who then live outside of the ideas they make noise about. If you're going to build yourself a castle, why live in the shed next door?

Fuel consumption does not always correlate with carbon emissions. If it does with Gore's plane, has he taken reasonable measures to reduce the plane's carbon output? Get a plane or engine(s) which are more efficient? Or any of these could be in the works, they just hadn't pulled through yet? Some call this benefit of the doubt, I call it understanding.

Have you read the book, which recommends thatching your roof? Have you tied to follow the reason why he might have recommended such a technological throw back? More importantly is this current advice, and does he still agree with it? Just because he recommend(ed) thatched roofs doesn't mean he thinks house's should be one room with a sheet for a door, no windows, and a dirt floor.

GLOBAL WARMING: the time between the sun coming up, and going down...............DUH
You're talking about temperature change on a small time scale. Global warming has to do with average temperature change over longer periods of time (years). Or you are being sarcastic.

The picture of your parents playing outside or Christmas day makes for good anecdotal evidence. I'll go on ahead and assume this picture was taken in a northern area where it gets cold most Christmases. That is one day out of many winter days from many years. I'd say ask if that is normal. But their answer will be notoriously unreliable and weighed toward the bias of the questioner.

Another fallacy with using that picture is that there are always extremes from year to year. The studies and data supporting global warming has to do with trends which extend for thousands of years, with particular attention being spent to the last 150 years or so.

The differences in climate that are being cited as data are a matter of a few degrees in some places, and fractions of a degree in others. You have a gift if are able to subjectively describe those changes as warmer and colder. If you look for it to be colder, it will feel colder. If you look for it to be warmer, it will feel warmer.

Because people can't subjectively differentiate a one-degree difference doesn't mean the basic biological processes that every organism carry out aren't affected. The intricacies and contingencies at the fundamental levels of life are astounding, and many variable environmental factors are in what appears to be a perfect balance for these processes to occur. Temperature is one of those environmental factors.

I do not know enough about global water and air currents to comment on how they are effected by temperature change, but I will say this: Anything naturally occurring has more influencing it than a first appraisal reveals. In fact, many well-studied natural phenomena are only sorta kinda understood.

Whether or not global warming is real isn't a belief, it's a fact. On average the Earth is getting warmer than it ever has, faster than it ever has. However, what is causing this spike is unclear. There is also a similar spike in atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. As often happens this correlation has been used as a cause and effect. It makes sense that an increase in greenhouse gases would lead to an increase in global temperature. But is this really the cause or is there something else influencing the rise in one or both of the spikes?

If nothing else the global warming has brought the concept of environmental stewardship back from the depths and is making people at least consider how they are impacting their environments. Whether it turns out to be as catastrophic is some predict, or as wasteful as others argue, it has at least made people consider their actions on a scale larger than themselves.

End rebuttal.

All that said I'm pretty sure the original poster just doesn't want to be perceived as following trends, and likes to stir the pot. He doesn't want to follow what's perceived as a trend of environmental conscience and stirred the pot with the possibility of his "Global Warming is a Hoax!" sticker.
I THINK I LOVE YOU!!!! A hero kind of love!

TornadoDave said:
Wowzers! The intent of this post was about our suddenly becoming "trendy"..... not to debate the validity (or lack thereof) of Algore's Global Warming campaign. However... now that it's out of the bag and being discussed, I'd like to point out a things about the current phenomenon of "Global Warming Hysteria" that I find interesting:

1. The vast majority of the folks who claim to be "concenrned about global warming" have actually done nothing to reduce their own carbon footprints. Most are from upper-middle income families (60%), and the rest are either very wealthy (5%) or of average means (35%). Very few are from low-income families. Most of these people when polled directly admit that they have several automobiles in their garages, run their AC units constantly, have houses much larger than the national average, fly more than once per year for pleasure, have multiple television sets in their houses, and leave their computers running more than 12 hrs per day. OBVIOUSLY, these folks are hypocrits.... wanting all of US to change our ways while they themselves do not.

2. "Carbon- Offsets" are a scam. In a recent study that crossed my desk, less than 20% of the money paid into Carbon Offsets actually went to GREEN causes. Most of it went to "Administrative Costs", "Advertising Costs", "Overhead" and "Other Expenses". I actually visited one of the companies to talk to the owner about this, but he would not see me. I DID notice a Mercedes Benz SUV in his parking lot.... and that the building was icy cold inside. I ALSO noticed that while the company's roof was flat and had lots of sunshine, there were no solar panels on the roof. Hhhhhmmmmm Sooooo let me put it in a nutshell.... THEY are making a lot of money of fof the guilty consciences of "Energy Wasters" while they themselves waste energy like there's no tomorrow..... interesting.

3. Ethanol production actually produces more CO2 than fossil fuels.... almost twice as much in fact. That doesn't sound very GREEN to me. (I have first hand knowlege of the CO2 from fermentation... since I make a lot of wine and beer.... )

4. According to the USGS, volcanos produce more CO2 annually than mankind does, and a BIG eruption can produce 10x to 100x as much CO2. Mt St Helens belched out more in one day than WE did in almost a century.

5. The biggest producer of GREEN energy is British Petroleum (BP). Unfortuantely, they spend more on advertising that they make GREEN energy than they do actually making GREEN energy..... and they are also constantly under attack for polluting the atmosphere. Hhhmmmm I guess it's a no-win situation for them.

...and so forth and so on. NOW... please notice that I did not say one way or the other on what I think about whether or not the Earth is actaully Warming up... or if it IS who is to be blamed. SO don't write back and say "IT IS warming up and we are doomed!" I'm not going to debate the matter with you unless you have an advanced degree in a related science, since all you will do is shout back what you heard on TV. (LOL.... like we all believe what they say on TV!)
I guess you'd be green if you were ratting bikes only at home, only with parts you source locally and aren't contributing to the consumer economy, mail ordering anything and probably not painting or using solvents.

I don't think many on here is in much danger of going "green" with the hobby.
Global warming? It was 4 degrees when I left for work today! So after a LONG day at work, I am now sitting in 65 degree house, with my 36 degree Heineken, and at my favorite web site, where some of the temperatures seem to be 102 degrees. WHAT HAPPEN TO "BIKE TALK"! Thanks alot TornadoDave. :shock:
doesn't bovine and equestrian flagellation cause more of the greenhouse effect than internal combustion engines or open flames anyway? or maybe i'm not educated enough in causes of global warming. either way keep chopin, cuttin, and weldin, i like change!!!
doesn't bovine and equestrian flagellation cause more of the greenhouse effect than internal combustion engines or open flames anyway?

not to be the grammar nazi, but horse or cow flagellation would be whipping. I think what you mean is flatulence: the state of being gaseous. My wife (and coach j) could confirm my knowledge and expertise on flatulence because it is a state of my existence. :lol:

just doing your part right? bet you drive a hybrid too :mrgreen: just kidding
G-Tek said:
doesn't bovine and equestrian flagellation cause more of the greenhouse effect than internal combustion engines or open flames anyway?

You know, I try to keep an open mind about things .... but for the life of me I can't see how beating poor cows and horses would cause an increase in CO2 emissions.
karfer67 said:
just doing your part right? bet you drive a hybrid too :mrgreen: just kidding
Nope it just lets me in the gates of dump faster when I say I recycle bicycles... "Ohh he recycles bicycles instead of hoarding them like that other guy..." is what they are thinking!!

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