Man I wish I could weld, bike building would be so much cooler.
Other than buying all the necessary tools and safety equipment, having a dedicated space to store them and use them in, steel tubing and sheet metal for back stock, and convincing your wife that this is one more 'hobby' you need !No reason why you can't start to learn.
Other than buying all the necessary tools and safety equipment, having a dedicated space to store them and use them in, steel tubing and sheet metal for back stock, and convincing your wife that this is one more 'hobby' you need !
Okay, so the first 4 might be doable. That last one is the kicker!
Not saying you can't learn with someone else's equipment or pool with your pals to get a welder and someone having a space to do it, that is what we did in the 90's in the early Choppercabras days. You can take a class at a occupational center or adult ed to see if you like it or not and go from there. In essence one can build bridges to things in life they want to do or build walls, that is up to you.
WOW!! There is so much sweet hotness going on with that frame and forks!
Great build!
The trusses look cool!
But I'm wondering how you get the fork out with them welded both top and bottom?
First sojourn into the dirt. Brake cable in back came off in a steep but small descent :0 did a trailside improvement. Rear brake is a little funky it was missing a pad on the shoe so I scabbed some brake material off a band brake, we'll see if the JB weld will hold... Did a bout a dozen bb spindle swaps to get the right one and swapped out the front derailleur so far. Needs to be ridden more of an impression to build so far climbs so-so and descends really well. Still getting used to it of course, too early to pass judgement.
Sounds like we need a ride vid!
Did you start the Coaster Brake Challenge Paul? Always thought that sounded like a blast skidding around in the dirt. +I remember seeing a really cool review of different coaster brakes that I thought was part of the challenge site?