I bought a `02 4Dr blazer a little while back. I love my S10's, its my 6th one, but first blazer. I'm not a big 4Dr fan but it is a family vehicle so it is perfect for its intended use, hauling the family along with much other junk. Sorta had it in my head I wanted to drop it. Took it to Firestone to be checked out on a lift for issues. It had a rattle that was pretty nasty. Sorta thought it may be a ball joint. Sure enough needs all four ball joints and shocks. So of course I take that as a perfect opportunity to drop it and make it more capable. Nothing crazy, I want a smooth ride so all stock springs will stay. I ordered some Djm 3" drop tubular control arms, 2" rear drop blocks, upper ball joints, front shocks, rear air shocks for load leveling if need be. I already have a small compressor setup for on board air that will go on as well. Forgot to mention I also picked up some 16" Wheel Vintiques Chevy Rally wheels that will go on once I replace the tires on them. The tires are shot and 50 series so they are small as well. I'll make sure to take before during and after pics. What I'm starting with.