BO15 DURALIUS - 1936 Wards Hawthorne- Done. BOTH Of Them!

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Okay, I’m satisfied and ready to move on. It’s shiny, and I can still hit spots with never dull if think it needs it.
I never found an early style headset, so I’m going to have to go digging for whatever I have.
WOW should look great
once it is all polished up how do you protect the finish?
Got a 20 year old MTB with an alloy frame that I thought would look good polished up, but wasn't sure how you would protect it from tarnishing . . . so not stripped the paint off it as yet
WOW should look great
once it is all polished up how do you protect the finish?
Got a 20 year old MTB with an alloy frame that I thought would look good polished up, but wasn't sure how you would protect it from tarnishing . . . so not stripped the paint off it as yet
There isn’t much you can do, although the better they’re polished the longer they seem to last. At least that’s true in the billet wheel world. People are starting to clear coat polished aluminum with Ceracote clear. it’s an extremely durable ceramic paint that I believe was originally used on guns. Anyway, it could be an option for you, but I will skip it on something this vintage. I like the patina anyway. My polish job is far from perfect.
Agree on something as vintage the patina is what you want
Might give the clearcoat a go on the bare alloy I have exposed on a current build
No photo updates because nothing has happened. Tore apart the garage to cobble together a headset but just didn’t have the parts. My options at this point are wait for the SoCal Cycle swap This Sunday and hope I get lucky, or take apart my Shelby “rust bike” for its headset. I have never borrowed more than grips or a seat post from an existing bike to finish a new one. And I ride that Shelby more than any other bike, probably 500 miles over the years. I’ve crashed many a Long Beach Marathon on that bike! Tough decision.
Pennies, you say? I bought 50, all 1936, for like 9 bucks.
I drilled them out to use as washers. Starting with the seat stay bolts, since they weren’t OG anyway.
Stainless acorn nuts, copper penny washers.
It’s legal, I checked.
Used a stainless Allen bolt under the fork.
Wasted a week deciding to steal the Shelby headset for this build. Looks pretty good, though. Need to keep rockin if I want to make the finish!
As long as you don't wipe it down with something that will scratch it a little flitz if you get something on it is enough to keep the finish. My legit first real job was polishing aluminum parts

I’ve never used Flitz. Need to try it. I have Never Dull and need a new jar of Mother’s.
When I was refurbishing my 1989 Fisher aluminum framed mt bike for BO #13, I found a home made brew for polishing aluminum. It worked great, and with the pre-sanding to get it real smooth first of all, had my frame looking very shiny!
Here's a video of the process. It's pretty short, even given my typical verbose narration....
Seat post was basically rust. I polished on it for a good hour. You really won’t see any of it anyway.
So I have this Brooks Seat I like, but l really don’t like the hairpin in the front. So I chopped it off. Polished everything else up and found a way to bolt it all back up. Hoping to revisit this area if time permits but for now it’s installed.