So i have this old pink Huffy seat i want to dye red and put on a bike. Went to Wally and got a bottle of Rit dye. The dye is not sticking to the seat at all . Here is EXACTLY how i did it. What am i doing wrong.
Washed seat cover with SOS.
Heated a large kettle of water on stove....not boiling but pretty hot.
Using an old igloo cooler put seat..dye and water in cooler and stirred up.
All i have is a cooler of blood red water and a pink seat. Dye water just rolls off seat.
Do you have to "cook" the dye water and seat together I read something about adding salt to the mixture.
My seat is squeaky clean so what is wrong? I have read on the net about dyeing bike seats and it always works.
Washed seat cover with SOS.
Heated a large kettle of water on stove....not boiling but pretty hot.
Using an old igloo cooler put seat..dye and water in cooler and stirred up.
All i have is a cooler of blood red water and a pink seat. Dye water just rolls off seat.
Do you have to "cook" the dye water and seat together I read something about adding salt to the mixture.
My seat is squeaky clean so what is wrong? I have read on the net about dyeing bike seats and it always works.