Dyno Glide Deluxe

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Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
North Georgia
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
Just picked this bad boy on CL. Original thought was to strip it and repaint but when I picked it up I found the paint to be in amazingly good shape. Couple of small dings where the springer banged into the frame behind the head tube on full turn. Now I'm just mulling over my options. Current thought is to swap out the wheels (I'm really not a fan of red) for something black, lose the fenders, add some cream fat franks, a laid back seat post, some smaller bars, and a ratty brown Brooks seat.
Anyone know much about these? I've searched for, and found, some info but seems like not a lot of stuff on them.
Also would love to hear ideas and opinions on dressing this up (or down) a bit.
i always wanted one when they were new but could never justify the price. some of them sold for pretty good money when new. ive been looking at them on cl myself lately. if you don't mind me asking, what did you pay for it? used prices seem to be all over the place. talked to a guy at a lbs the other day, he had his out on the floor and had a price of a grand on it. I thought he was nuts. he was telling me how rare the purple was, funny ive come across 2 others and really don't like the purple. ive also seen one as cheap as 100 on cl but it looked like they took all the original dyno parts and put cheap parts on the dyno frame.
I paid(looking around whispering) $125.00 for mine which l got off someone who'd inherited it.
I cutting 8" off the bars, laid back seat post, 3speed heavy chrome duty wheels, and 3" tires. Looks awesome compared to original.
I paid $100. The guy originally listed it for $170, then $145 with no takers. When he went to $100 I bit. Tried talking him down a bit more but he wouldn't budge. Everything seems original except the Raleigh seat and add on (non-working) light. Grips are original but have broken trim. I'm thinking cream torpedos as a replacement.

Hey Mikeee...got any pics?
Matter a fact, I do....

Phantom rack is a hulled out blackburn, legs cutt off and mount holes refilled.
Fenders are a cussy darn it to fit with 3" tires but totally worth it.
3speed is the minimum needed to get these beasts up hills...
Check out the "let me see your Dyno," thread.

I got a Dyno Deuce that I put:
24" surly rim in rear with 3speed
26" surly rim in front
Rides sweet and stable. Perfect combination

At one time I tried with surly Rolling Darryl
Rims to wide kept rubbing frame

Pm if need more info
A well bought bike! I had eyeballed it myself... thought about giving the owner a holler when I was down in Dallas for the swap meet the other week. Really trying to make some space around here though... :wink:
Lemme smoke that one over biggdaddy. Usually I like to hang on to original parts as much as possible But I'm not sure where I'm going with this one yet. I'll let you know if I do.

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