I just painted the rear sprocket and installed it. I need to wait for the paint to dry all the way before tighten the nuts and put it on the bike. I think some acorn nuts and rubber hose on the bolt ends would be good to help protect the spokes, but I am happy with it so far.
I like the chain tight like this but the chain stay clearance is very tight. I may need to put an idler pulley toward the rear to lift the chain a little sooner.
Does anyone make a good chain stay protector that would hold up to this?
The thought had crossed my mind. I wanted to steer clear of modifying the frame but your pictures make it look like a good option. If it does look like a problem once running I may do this.
Thanks! I have others that remain bicycles and I have been careful to not make any permanent changes to the frame. I had to drill a hole in the handlebars for the throttle but everything else is reversible.
It's alive! No real power, but alive! It handles great with the motor. I am trying to upload the video from my phone but it isn't accepting the file type. I had a bmx chain for clearance but it fell off due to some alignment issues. You can see the damage in the top photo. I had to make a gear puller to get the gear off the engine. Then made some idler pulley mounts and routed a motorcycle chain under the frame. Clearance is better. I do still want to make a couple guards to protect the frame. I rode it probably 3 miles today. The paint on the rear sprocket and frame got chewed up when the chain fell of and got twisted. It is loud and loads of fun.