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Sep 7, 2006
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i packed 35 boxes just today alone! AND bike parts take big boxes!
between ebay and all the other places online I sell its more work than I should do
I don't like it either. I've voiced this before. For many reasons, but the main one is that it's ruining the art of local junk-hunting.

Now you've got a bunch of yahoos running around sucking up all the good stuff and hocking it on that on-line pawn shop, people who have no interest in the respective item, they just see big dollar signs.

For once, I can't wait for the feds to sink their big greedy teeth into it and watch it die.
My favorite is when you are trying to determine the value of something and the person uses ebay as a price argument.

Usually the point where I tell them to stick it on ebay then, or stick it someplace else.
Ebay is doing a number on what people think things are worth. But, it's a small price to pay for getting hard to find parts/bikes delivered to my door.

I can remember years ago I had a Saturday morning yard sale/thrift store loop I used to make in the suburbs. Most of the time coming up empty on cool bikes. I probably spent more money on gas looking for bikes than I ever spent on bikes. Nowadays anything I want is just a bid away.

btw, somebody get this http://cgi.ebay.com/SCHWINN-BICYCLE-BIK ... dZViewItem
I hate it when they only ship to the US! It's as if it was that complicated to add a few more stamps. The killer is when you ask for shipping to Canada and they charge an insane amount. Case in point, I was charged $8.00 for shipping instead of the $2.50 charged for US customers. I got my thing in a busted enveloppe with the slide rule 90% out of it. It had a $0.68 stamp on it! Makes my blood boil, I'm going for a ride to cool down...
the only people that make money on shipping are the bigtime sellers with pre packaged stuff and sometimes people jack the shipping cost up to lower the sale price so ebay gets less commision
big parts take a long time to carefully package... it takes me about an hour to dismantle a bike and box it up. let alone the time and money it takes to go after a box (40 miles in my case) and to drop off at a shipping point... thats why I am cleaning house and from now on all I will sell is little stuff
let alone the garbage that accumulates from the leftovers
this is a weeks worth of scrap so sometimes that one little part you bought involves a ton of work for minimal money

xddorox said:
I hate it when they only ship to the US! It's as if it was that complicated to add a few more stamps. The killer is when you ask for shipping to Canada and they charge an insane amount. Case in point, I was charged $8.00 for shipping instead of the $2.50 charged for US customers. I got my thing in a busted enveloppe with the slide rule 90% out of it. It had a $0.68 stamp on it! Makes my blood boil, I'm going for a ride to cool down...
only thing I dislike about shipping to canada is there is no tracking so I cant protect myself.
Hooch Said...
the only people that make money on shipping are the bigtime sellers with pre packaged stuff and sometimes people jack the shipping cost up to lower the sale price so ebay gets less commision
big parts take a long time to carefully package... it takes me about an hour to dismantle a bike and box it up. let alone the time and money it takes to go after a box (40 miles in my case) and to drop off at a shipping point... thats why I am cleaning house and from now on all I will sell is little stuff
let alone the garbage that accumulates from the leftovers
this is a weeks worth of scrap so sometimes that one little part you bought involves a ton of work for minimal money

well said Hooch..
I agree!!
Exactly, I'm talking stuff like $24 shipping on a $2 part and worse. I can understand on bike sized stuff where it needs to be broken down and requires special packing etc, only fair including labor cost in that, but on the small, easy stuff those are the ones I'm getting at. Most of these guys are charging way more than even small internet bike stores charge for shipping.
Re: Just say "NO" to drugs

Clothespin "n" said:
-=RaTb0y=- said:


That's actually a pretty good price for all those bikes!

I should probably shut my mouth shut until I know what Im
talking about then :oops:

I thought that being mostly modified repops made them
not worth too much....cool, but in the weird world of e-bay,
not worth too much.
Re: Just say "NO" to drugs

-=RaTb0y=- said:
Clothespin "n" said:
-=RaTb0y=- said:


That's actually a pretty good price for all those bikes!

I should probably shut my mouth shut until I know what Im
talking about then :oops:

I thought that being mostly modified repops made them
not worth too much....cool, but in the weird world of e-bay,
not worth too much.

Well now that Ratboy and myself are the resident Schwinn experts 'cause we own $89 purple Stingrays that we scored on e-bay, I have to agree. That collection is not going to appreciate alot...accept for maybe the shifters.

"THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE REAL DEAL" <--- does not instill confidence that the Chicago schwinns are original collectables.

Just cause buddy payed too much for the repops does not make them valuable :mrgreen:

Now I think I'll go hang out on the schwinn site and critique restorations with the inner circle. :D :) :lol: :roll: :wink:

P.S. e-bay is like a woman...it can make you infinitely happy :mrgreen: or break your heart :cry: .
i just think the guys GF/wife er whatever wants them gone, hes spent too much addin NOS stuff to his repops, has lost interest and is tryin to recover his costs (or give a $ amount hes willing to take a loss at) the shifeters cost more than the bikes if theyre all repops, cant blame a guy for tryin. if hes got as many bikes as he says he probably doesnt care if they sell :)

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