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Shifter Cover

I designed the shifter internals with the idea of using 3 inch diameter tubing and a cut off tapered section from a tiki torch.



Drilling holes for the frame top tube and shifter handle.


Splitting the cover into two sections


I had hoped to be able to use the two halves after cutting them apart. The gaps ended up too big. An even bigger problem though was the overall width of the cover. Way too wide and bulky.

Shifter Cover Modifications

Here's a couple better views of just how big the gaps were between the two halves.


I traced the shape for a new back section by wrapping the cover with a piece of paper. That shape was then transferred to another section of 3 inch tubing and a new back was cut for a tight fit.


I also trimmed the back half to visually make it narrower. (The open areas on both the front and back will eventually be filled.)


Everything still looked far too wide. My only option was to start to modify the internal pieces so that I can move the tapered section of the cover in. The handle plate was the widest piece so I cut the bend were the handle attached and added some material back. Don't know yet exactly how I'll re-mount a shifter handle.


Here's the cover with additional trimming on the front cover section.


And here's a direct comparison between the initial cover and after all the cutting and trimming. At first I thought I might have to re-think the entire shifter but I'm happy with how it's looking now. Next up will be filling in the front and back.

Cable Tube and Cover Front and Back

Before I could start on the front and back I needed to integrate a housing stop and entry point for the shifter cable into the cover.


This was the third attempt at creating the front face. I tried using 16 gauge sheet metal but had to switch to 3/16". The 16 gauge warped too much as I tried to fill weld around the recessed nut tube.



Back pieces cut and welded.



After some additional fill and shaping.

This may be my favorite shifter on the forum and it's not even finished yet!
+1 You can count me in on that statement!

I really love the mad engineering skills surfacing here and the great attention to detail! Can't wait to see it all finished! The shifter AND the bike!
This may be my favorite shifter on the forum and it's not even finished yet!

+1 You can count me in on that statement!

I really love the mad engineering skills surfacing here and the great attention to detail! Can't wait to see it all finished! The shifter AND the bike!

That’s a huge compliment. Thanks
Cover Back Modification

The acorn nut holding the cover back on the shifter started to look like an afterthought the more I looked at it. I really liked how the recessed nut on the front turned out so I decided to do the same on the back.




I had some issues with filling in some of the voids from welding the tube in. The material started to get too thin to fill weld and grind smooth a second or third time. I opted to leave well enough alone and left it as is. It's more noticeable in this and the images after polishing than it is in person. Figured I could always revisit it later if it begins to bug me.
Shifter Handle Plate Modification

I tossed the idea around of changing the shifter handle to a blade. I'd be able to just add to the top of the plate similar to how I removed the bend I had in it originally. I really liked the look of a half inch tube better though so I came up with this.




This also made it easy to add a filler piece to cover the slot that the handle travels through.
Man, what's your day job? You really got some engineering skills going on here!
Your attention to detail keeps on amazing me!

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Thanks. Way back in ancient times (before computers) I used to create proposal illustrations for different automotive fixturing, assembly and robotic applications. Did a fair amount of exploded view and assembly illustrations for pumps and conveyor components too. Was lucky enough to work with people that were really good at sharing what they knew.