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Feb 14, 2008
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well i am kinda back. still alot of other things to do. i was commision to build this Burrito, so here is the start. i cut this frame in half and added some tubing. will have 26" wheels on it. the bike will be painted yellow and blue rims. anybody reconize the frame? ok, so here are a couple of pic's.





well thats it for now. thanks for lookin.

Outlaw :roll:
i love burritos, very interested to see this thing up and riding. its not your typical burrito.
you are right. the guy i am building it for didn't want the frame draggin. sooo i had to improvise as close as i could. it's still low and long enough. whatever the customer wants. think it will turn out alright.lol

Outlaw :wink:
yo dingo, thought ya would like it. i'll be at a standstill for a bit till i get back to it. sooo as soon as i can i'll be back.
Outlaw :wink:
Hey there,
Very cool bike! I was woundering why these style of bike are called burritos? Keep us posted bro!
Dr.aCuLa said:
Hey there,
Very cool bike! I was woundering why these style of bike are called burritos? Keep us posted bro!

a typical burrito is 2 halves of a bike welded to a pipe as the main structure. sorta looks like a taco shell. :)
guess burrito sounds better. :)
i can't find the rules or the story about the name. about 3 yrs ago when i was over at custom bikes which is no longer, can't remember who the first builder was but we had a poll to name the style. sombody came up with a little story and the name. he was just funin about it and so the name stuck.

the bikes were to be one bike cut in half and pipe added. keep it as low as you can and long. keep it ratty and low cost. no kick stand. i think if you do a search here there is the rules in which we tried to follow. as time went on builders started to build em as rats , customs, built from the ground up. so that is the jest of it all. these are my fav's. if someone can find the rules an post, that would be helpful. so, those who have not built one, do it, they are a blast to ride. thanks.

Outlaw :D
Dr.aCuLa said:
Hey there,
Very cool bike! I was woundering why these style of bike are called burritos? Keep us posted bro!
I thought I was going to get away with it this year (looking up and posting this story)! :lol:....CBN no longer exist. junkman can be found on FreakBikeNation.

Re: The Burrito Revolution.....
by Honest Abe on Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:47 pm

Okay, for some the name is confusing. Originally the name "Burrito" was termed from Junkman on CBN. I could not attach the link, but it was basically a joke and thrown into the mix before the vote was made. I cut and pasted part of that post.

I don't know, "LongRiders" sounds to logical. When someone asks "Hey what style of bike is that?" and you tell them, "It's a LongRider." The conversation kinda ends. I like Junkman's quote that they should be called "Burrito" bikes. 1st you have a late night burrito, then you go to bed, and BAMM, you had a dream. Maybe not on the same level of Martin Luther King, but nevertheless how to build a butt scrappin bike! It could be a combination of Taco Bell indigestion gases causing a toxic hallucination, I don't know, but now when the same question is asked, there is a story.
kota, how ya been? i knew you would come up with it. i looked but 80 some pages on burrito's, wow, a lot of reading. yep, that's how it started. i came up with longriders,lol, glad that didn't go. i like burrito's better.
sooo, if ya want to see some of the first bikes just do the search. kenny had put in alot of the first bike's so find his post's. my first mock up is somewhere in the 80 pages. it's yellow. still not built. well happy building.

Outlaw :)
Ah....Kota beat me to it. searched " burrito cbn" to find the threads.

Outlaw, This bike is looking cool. nice lines with the old and the new.
thanks c-man and kota. that 3rd bike with the tank and fenders i beleave is one of the first burritos. you were supposed to use as much of the doner bike as possible and add whatever. as you can see from alot of the bikes it has been more of the whatever. i still like the old way but i also like the whatever way. so there ya all go. go ahead and build one if ya want a really kool bike that will bring em lookin.lol

Outlaw :shock:

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