13th Annual
El Torreon Bicycle Swap Meet
Sunday, July 28, 2013
6 A.M. until it's too hot to be outside
$10 vendor fee for a spot 12x15
Benefit for Buddy Bronson,1955 - 2013
(Buddy was one of the founders of this swap meet)
31st and Gillham Rd
Kansas City, Mo 64109
This is Kansas City's biggest bicycle swap meet, and I'd like to see more than just bike swapping.
Anyone who wants to bring anything bicycle-related to the show is invited.
If you do bicycle art in any medium, bring it out. If you'd like to just show your bikes, bring them out.
El Torreon Bicycle Swap Meet
Sunday, July 28, 2013
6 A.M. until it's too hot to be outside
$10 vendor fee for a spot 12x15
Benefit for Buddy Bronson,1955 - 2013
(Buddy was one of the founders of this swap meet)
31st and Gillham Rd
Kansas City, Mo 64109
This is Kansas City's biggest bicycle swap meet, and I'd like to see more than just bike swapping.
Anyone who wants to bring anything bicycle-related to the show is invited.
If you do bicycle art in any medium, bring it out. If you'd like to just show your bikes, bring them out.