Electra Bikes Parts Clearance Sale

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My blue front wheel arrived today, so now I have a sweet matching blue 3spd set and single speed creme set and one extra creme front wheel that I will pobably sell.
kingfish254 said:
Most of my second batch is for resale to pay for what I keep. I bought a few of the Nexus 7 Cruiser wheels, Nexus 7 Townie wheels, and Nexus 8 Townie wheels.

No judgement here!..... Just Envy! :mrgreen:
CeeBee said:
Could someone tell me if you got a shipping confirmation or tracking number when you ordered? I got an order confirmation with my order last Friday and haven't heard anything else since. Now I am reading about people getting their second order and I haven't received my first one! Shortly after I ordered a 7 speed wheel, they went to being sold out--I'm hoping they weren't already gone and the online store just wasn't updated!

Login to their store website and then go to Order Tracking on the top right. Once you pull up the order, you can look in the lower left and it will show tracking numbers.
I never received any sort of notifications from Electra.
You should be fine if you placed your order last Friday. I didn't order my second batch or wheels (that included Nexus7's) until Sunday.
Got in late on this, did manage to get two green single speed wheelsets, a pink 3speed, a cream front wheelset, chainring, hub sinners, and a koi saddle. I'll probably respoke one of the green rims to mahe a front wheel. Need to find an old frame now.
Well I got my Electra's with Inter3 hubs today! You guys are so dull with your cream or silver or blue or green wheels! Look what I got :lol: :lol: :lol: Granted a little unpinking is in the works..but my total outlay was $16.95 for a new 7spd freewheel for this freebee
Iron horse that I had to lace up a front rim for out of spare parts.

Got these

For this

Couldn't miss out on these deals. Got 2 gold wheels, one of them a 3 speed & the other a single speed. took one apart & laced it to a hub I had. Plan to use the Shimano single speed to replace a trashed HiStop on a 24 X 3 wheelset I purchased a few months ago.
Great deal. 8)
Heads up, folks. Electra is giving 20% of their Web store items, including their already discounted sale merchandise, when you enter 2013LOVE as the coupon code. There is still plenty of great bargains to be had. Offer is good until February 14, 2013. I just let my lack of impulse control get the better of me again. :lol:

EDIT: the %20 off number is from the email they sent out. Actually, in practice, it is working out to be more like %40 off. Nice!
Cman just contacted me to say that his transaction was doing %40 off. I checked my invoice and it is indeed %40 off too. :shock:
Tater said:
Cman just contacted me to say that his transaction was doing %40 off. I checked my invoice and it is indeed %40 off too. :shock:

You guys must have the Golden Ticket because it only does 20% for me.
No Electra for me for this wave.

No Peatbog has it figured right. The coatguards don't show any prior markdown so for non-red priced items you only get 20% off. I started to pull the trigger on the green sngle speed wheels and those gave me 40% off. I backed off though. I have enough wheels, so I ain't buying anything this round.
The trick is to buy the red priced items with this coupon code.
Good luck all. There are exactly 5 green single speed wheels left.
There is no telling what is up with that store. I tried to order some of those 7 and 8-speed wheels when they had 28 of them and my order would come up with a web store server error every time I tried.

I think Cman is right, they droped a "no more parts for KF" cookie on KF's computer. :mrgreen:
No cookies can keep this fish away. I just had to figure out the system. Still don't see anything that tempts me this time though.
Good stuff though.
Ticino single frame $104 shipped.
Ticono multi frame $194 shipped
Five green single speed wheels for $18 each shipped.

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