Most of my second batch is for resale to pay for what I keep. I bought a few of the Nexus 7 Cruiser wheels, Nexus 7 Townie wheels, and Nexus 8 Townie wheels.
kingfish254 said:Most of my second batch is for resale to pay for what I keep. I bought a few of the Nexus 7 Cruiser wheels, Nexus 7 Townie wheels, and Nexus 8 Townie wheels.
CeeBee said:Could someone tell me if you got a shipping confirmation or tracking number when you ordered? I got an order confirmation with my order last Friday and haven't heard anything else since. Now I am reading about people getting their second order and I haven't received my first one! Shortly after I ordered a 7 speed wheel, they went to being sold out--I'm hoping they weren't already gone and the online store just wasn't updated!
Tater said:Cman just contacted me to say that his transaction was doing %40 off. I checked my invoice and it is indeed %40 off too. :shock: