Electro Etch Stuff

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Feb 9, 2008
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Ok I decided to try my hand at making a headbadge. I had a place make me some vinyl stickers.
I really didn't know how big to make them and wound up too large. Decided to try the etching
anyway. I found a post on how too. It uses salt water and electricity. Cheap stuff so I tried it.
I had a piece of 16 ga 1 1/2'' brass tubing. I cut off some and sliced it lengthwise in two. I followed the
instructions and left it in the salt water hooked to my battery charger. In about an hour it etched the
brass quite a bit. I reread the instructions and I was using 2 amps. It said 3 to 5 or more. Would
probably etch them faster. So this is my first etch. Paint is not perfect, but just a trial run anyway.
This is fun and I foresee making lots more etched stuff. Here is the site and the picture of mine.

http://www.instructables.com/id/How-To- ... al-Plaque/
Nice job for your first. Ax in PR will have some competition. :shock: Isn't brass a great metal. I love working the stuff. It ain't steel, but it's still pretty useful. Gary
Gary, Ax helped me by redesigning my avatar to something that will work.
I am not going into the headbadge business, but its fun to play with. They make
you feel good when you finish one. :wink: Its a cool process.
I used a 10''x14'' plastic tray with 3'' of salt water...12v 2amps. Stainless at one end and the brass
at the other. It took 1hr and 45 min to etch pretty deep.
I'm just sticking vinyl stickers on since they are too big and testing my method.
Tried several with the new design by AX. Used the echant from Radioshack. Works about the
same as the salt water and 12volts. Should get better as I make more.
Thanks Steve getting there. Made 4 so far. Found out the deal about it undercutting if you
leave them too long. It will let the echant get under the vinyl. I thought it would
just eat a little at the edge. Live and learn. Here is A close up of #3
You would have to have a pretty big tub to etch them in. Then they would rust
the inside of the tubing pretty quick. Probably need to just paint flames on.
Ya that would be one big tank!..I saw a swing bike that had flames done in bondo on top tube and painted black looked really good.
Nice work U.S.

I don't know why doing a headbadge intimidates me, I made this series of copper etchings back in 2003, same general concept as brass but with acid. I guess I should give it a shot someday..

1BB I'm, not that talented. I do good to just weld them together.

Walker those are really nice. I think I will try the acid. I have done all the other ways.
The 1/2 cup muratic mixed with 1 cup hydrogen peroxide seems simple enough.
The two ways I have done so far seems to yield the same results. The echant will stain
anything it touches and the salt water is cheaper, just have to watch it more.
just read it. looks easy enough and I have everything I need to do it except the die cuts. I have a few weeks out of town for work so I can design it then.
What computer program are you using to make the stencil? (is stencil the right word?) You make your design on a computer then print it on a sticky stencil, right? Gary
I just trotted down to my local sign/sticker place and gave them my design.
They make you vinyl stickers and then you put them on the brass plate and cook
with whatever method you choose....Echant...Salt water and battery charger
Muriatic acid and Hydrogen peroxide. Its fun to mess with. :wink:

You can get real creative and design something....Do a mirror image where it will
face you when its printed....take that to Staples or some printing place.....have them
laser print your design on clear over head projector sheets..$1 a piece...then cut them
out and with a hot iron it will transfer your design to the brass plate. Then etch. Works pretty
good. I like the stickers better, but thats me.
#3 really turned out sweet.
I wonder what it would take to etch a bike tank?

Uncle Stretch said:
Thanks Steve getting there. Made 4 so far. Found out the deal about it undercutting if you
leave them too long. It will let the echant get under the vinyl. I thought it would
just eat a little at the edge. Live and learn. Here is A close up of #3

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