Well, I could really use some help with info and value on this bike. I know they were sold with different combinations of parts. So determining exactly what I have and a solid value would really help me out. I repaired the wheel using another triple step wheel that I cannibalized for spokes, etc. So hopefully the wheels are considered basically original. Torrington bars, Torrington deco stem. Stainless fenders with a few scrapes and dings. There is some paint loss at the bottom bracket and just forward of it. Badge is nice, no grips or stand with it. I know that it is worth what someone will pay. But I really don't want to risk putting it on ebay and it getting sniped for half of its value. I also really would like for it to not get parted out. I really want an original highwheeler, but if selling this bike won't put me much closer to affording one, I'll just keep it and ride it for a bit. These are the two pictures I had up already. This link has some closeups and details. Thank you for your help. http://s1176.photobucket.com/user/ozzmonaut/library/Elgin Oriole?sort=3&page=1