I did drive 10 hrs straight this morning (633 miles) across three state lines, all for a backdrop for Enigma's final photos.
I think you succeeded in pushing the envelope...
I did drive 10 hrs straight this morning (633 miles) across three state lines, all for a backdrop for Enigma's final photos.
wow.I did drive 10 hrs straight this morning (633 miles) across three state lines, all for a backdrop for Enigma's final photos.
Salt flats meets bike!
Looks like UF had it right along time ago...
Next week is Speed Week at Bonneville. Too bad it wasn't this week, you could have gotten so many cool shots with the cars and bikes trying to set land speed records. Here is a pic of a Salt Flat car that I designed for a buddy of mine that will be there next week trying for anything over 260 MPH. This car has already set one world record earlier this year and they are going for another next week. Can't wait to see all your pix.
Hope you kissed the salt
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