Fall Swap Meet Atlanta Georgia 11-4-2017

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Interested if anyone has any pics of the goods they're bringing. I'm thinking about bringing some stuff to sale, but don't wanna be stuck in one spot all day, also, staying Saturday night and don't wanna leave anything in my trailer at the hotel overnight. May try to sell a bike or two to deliver.
I have worked with the Great Folks at DeFeet Socks of Hildebran, NC (made in USA!) to make this offer:
The 1st 30 People who REPLY HERE (to this Post .... OR .... PM me thru RRB) will get a FREE Pair of these Muscle Bike Socks (pic BELOW !!!)
Tyler and I need to get an idea of how many Vendors we are expecting.....this helps us get a better count.....
I MUST have your "Real Name" and SHOE SIZE ...... and you MUST pick these up IN PERSON at the SWAP Meet............. see CCR DAVE
(I will have extras to folks coming (Beyond the 1st 30 people who reply) for a SALE price of $5.00 per pair)*** normally $10.99
The deadline to REPLY to get this offer is by end of day SUNDAY OCT 29th..............CHEERS!! CCR DAVEView attachment 64906
Dave I'll be there in the buyer mode only but I will be bringing a some unissued 1942 South Bend Indiana bicycle license plates with me to swap for other WW2 era plates.

JD Boswell size 10 shoe!

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Interested if anyone has any pics of the goods they're bringing. I'm thinking about bringing some stuff to sale, *****but don't wanna be stuck in one spot all day, also, staying Saturday night and don't wanna leave anything in my trailer at the hotel overnight.**** May try to sell a bike or two to deliver.

*****You can certainly wander about the grounds of the Swap Meet to hunt for goodies and make new friends! Whoever you are set-up next to can help keep an eye out on your stuff...... leave a sign with your phone number in case somebody needs you there to buy or inquire. Most of us end up wandering about......I have never heard of any thievery happening.
..... as for your overnight stay. No promises here BUT we are far enough away from Atlanta that you should be safe. Maybe you should consider a large TARP with Bunji Cords holding it down to hide your possessions.......
Looking forward to having you come such a long distance and hang with us! Cheers! CCR Dave
*****You can certainly wander about the grounds of the Swap Meet to hunt for goodies and make new friends! Whoever you are set-up next to can help keep an eye out on your stuff...... leave a sign with your phone number in case somebody needs you there to buy or inquire. Most of us end up wandering about......I have never heard of any thievery happening.
..... as for your overnight stay. No promises here BUT we are far enough away from Atlanta that you should be safe. Maybe you should consider a large TARP with Bunji Cords holding it down to hide your possessions.......
Looking forward to having you come such a long distance and hang with us! Cheers! CCR Dave
That’s pretty much exactly what I was thinking! Out with the old, in with the new. Probably gonna leave the swap and drive until we have to stop to sleep. May bring whatever bikes I have into the hotel room with me, lol.
WEATHER FORECAST at this time for SAT NOV. 4th >>>>>> Morning startup MID-50's >>>>> Afternoon HIGH MID 70's

YEE-HAW !! It doesn't get better than that for Swap Meet Temps:D:D
WEATHER REPORT........as of Monday morning's Commerce forecast ........ still lookin' GREAT!!
Morning start in the Mid-50's and afternoon high in the Mid-70's with Cloudy conditions

ALSO ...... I still have FREE DeFeet "Muscle Bike" SOCKS available!! Reply here or PM to me if you are coming and want a FREE pair! (need your shoe size)

Hope to see you soon! CHEERS! CCR Dave
...... (also note: just coming to shop & browse ?? bring a bike to ride too! $5.00 ENTRY)

There are 2 GATES for entrance to parking grounds:

The PRIMARY GATE that opens at 7AM for $20 (all the space you need) is a LEFT turn at the " T " coming in thru the Dragstrip's main drive.
This brings you in the Swap meet grounds towards the Dragstrips "Finish Line" (in the photo below UPPER LEFT corner)

There is an "EARLY BIRD" GATE that opens at 6AM for $30 (all the space you need) and the is a RIGHT turn at the " T " coming in the main drive.
This brings you in near the TOWERS near the Dragstrip's Staging area. (in the photo below LOWER RIGHT corner)
(this GATE is open at 6AM and closes down at 6:30AM)

A line forms at the 7AM Primary Gate (starting at 6:30/ 6:45am)

The DESIGNATED PARKING AREA for the Vintage Bike Swap will be 2 LANES (double-sided = 4 ROWS) starting along the GRASSY AREA (see photo)
and then spreading onto the PAVEMENT/ BLACKTOP.........LOOK for the SIGNS saying: "Vintage Bikes" with big arrows!
The buildings in the photo below with the WHITE ROOFS are the restrooms ......the largest building (bottom right) is the concessions food/drink shack
Reply here if you have any other questions....... hope to see you soon! CCR Dave

There will be 2 10'x10' TENTS ...... side-by-side ....... that will hold about 16 BIKES -- Covered..... that will be for SHOW-N-SHINE Bikes !!
One Tent is a GT Bicycles Tent (see picture below) and the other a FELT Bicycles Tent.........
I had requests for N.F.S. Bikes--Show Bikes--Special Interest--RARE-- Custom Builds, etc. to have a special area for display....
I MUST Limit this to 2 BIKES MAX per person, to be as fair as possible...... for UNDER TENT space!! **** that is about 16 BIKES !!
There will be unlimited space NEXT TO these 2 tents for "Overflow" .......(they will NOT be covered!)..... NO RSVP Needed for these.
PLEASE either REPLY HERE ....... OR ............ PM me to RSVP for these 16 Spaces under cover of the TENTS

I figure either 8 folks (Minimum) with 2 SPACES each ..... OR ........ possibly 16 individual spaces will fit ****
(**** I will have 4 bikes under EACH Tent facing NORTH....and 4 bikes under EACH Tent facing SOUTH)
You SHOULD make a sign describing your bike, with YOUR Name.....so we all know who is to get credit for your bikes.......
These 16 "under tent spaces" are by RSVP .....reply NOW.....1st come-1st reserved.......
Make sure your bikes will have a SOLID kickstand OR display stand to AVOID a Domino Disaster !!
Please Note: These WILL NOT be SUPERVISED 100% of the time !!

I will POST **ASAP** when I know that these 16 Spaces are filled-up!
IF By-Chance the spaces DO NOT all get Claimed by END-OF-DAY THURS 11/02...........( 11PM E.S.T.)...........
I will REMOVE the 2-Bikes-per-person LIMIT!

Lets HAVE FUN !!
The amount of folks replying for the Bike Corral for under-the-tent space maxxed out at about 7-8 BIKES..........
(MANY choosing instead .....to keep their Prized Possession at their own Swap Space!!).....I understand.....that's Cool too!
I believe I will just have ONE Tent (the GT Tent -- pictured above) be the focal point for these Bike Corral SHOW-N-SHINE Bikes
Any last second additions (and day-of-Event) will be parked just outside of the GT Tent.
Remember folks ....... there will be 200-300 additional "Car/Truck/Motorcycle people" at this MEGA-Swap Meet......who might come by to see what us BIKE PEOPLE are up to! This area will be to show-off some of the "Cream-of-the-Crop" in the Vintage/Custom Bicycle world!!
Let's get their attention! Cheers! CCR Dave
Trailer's loaded up, gonna start driving that way when I get off of work this afternoon. Gonna be a long night but can't wait for tomorrow. Probably gonna look like a zombie, but I'm sure I'll shake it off once we get hoppin.
Trailer's loaded up, gonna start driving that way when I get off of work this afternoon. Gonna be a long night but can't wait for tomorrow. Probably gonna look like a zombie, but I'm sure I'll shake it off once we get hoppin.

Safe Travels to you! ..... and to all others making a long drive!
I understand that MOTELS are unusually HIGH price at EXIT 149!
(I heard its because there is a BIG Game in Athens, GA on SAT)
I would CONSIDER staying at EXIT 111 where rates are more reasonable.....THEN early SAT Morn you'd have a 30-40 minute drive to the Dragstrip! Looking forward to seeing you there! Cheers! CCR Dave

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