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I can weld pretty good , and I can flap disk with the best of them, but my Bondo skills SUCK!
I have sanded till my fingers are sore and the small imperfections can be seen from the moon.
Oh well maybe Chuck won't notice. :roll: :roll: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I started with white primer and I needed those snow glasses to look at it. Then I changed to red
primer and am going to stop with that. I can wet sand it when it dries , but it may need some additional
bondo work or a body may tied to it for a while.
What line does one have to stand in or what form does one need to fill out to aquier an UNCLESTRETCH frame? These lines look killer unk!! I love you work...
I hope so Chuck, Your the one that has to like it. :D

Jaysmo it looks like right now , its right behind Chuck.

Rat cycle you said drop outs...DUH! I take a piece of whatever size I have and drill a hole the size of
the axle. Then I draw two lines to that hole and make two slices with my porta band saw. I have
done it a bunch of times and it just takes a few minutes.

I can never leave one not painted. I know Chuck may paint it another color ,but it looked cool all silver.
So I shot some paint on it. Turned out better than I thought. Its not perfect, but neither am I. :shock:
Jaysmo if you know Chuck , he gives everybody here killer deals. Trust me he isn't getting rich
off of selling parts. Every time I have needed something he gives it to me. It was time with the
Worksman Stretch for some payback. Kinda like return Karma. This one he is going to swap me for
something I want so, its a good deal on my part and he likes adding to his Uncle Stretch collection. :wink:
Since its not mine, there is no telling what color it will be. I know you don't want to spray that $12
silver specks over red primer. It doesn't cover worth a darn. I had to go back over it with some other
silver dupli color to make it look right. I bought a can of orange and decided not to go that route.