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Was it me or did every shot in that video look like they were going downhill....ha ha! :lol:
Yeah bike conversions look cool but the average "real" moped will smoke one in a race.
Thanks..I didnt get that site, I seen an 80cc motor kit for 189 dollars, At least i think it was, Could that be right?

What is the best brand of the 80cc bike engine kits.. Post some links please..
ACD said:
Yeah bike conversions look cool but the average "real" moped will smoke one in a race.

that depends, ive found out, the fat man...is the slow man :mrgreen:

in illinois its gotta be less than 49cc (48cc kit here i come) or else it needs plate$ and in$ured. otherwise id stick to just scoots and mopeds
I've been reading up on these kits myself lately since I plan on ordering one soon. One thing I've read is that the Kings 80cc kit is actually 69.7cc's if that makes a difference to you.

If I were you, I'd spend some time reading the forum at http://www.motoredbikes.com/ before ordering. Some vendors have better reputations than others for parts and technical support.
:shock: 69.7 i mightas well ride the lawn mower.. Im gonna get a yamaha 125cc dirtbike and jerry rig the motor to my schwinn. Screw it 426 hemi with a blower. lol idk ill keep reading.