hay all! i finally finished this thing! i been havin a lot of fun breakin in the motor around the neighborhood. for size reference i'm 5'7", it's a 26" schwinn w/ 24" wheels and a 24" rattle trap fork. this is my first attempt at a motorized project, i have 2 other rollin chassis ready for motors, i'll keep one of those and sell the other 2. i used the spindle and chainring off of a 20" lowrider so that i could put the motor as low in the frame as possible.... but then i had to cut the exhause pipe and bend it in cuz in dragged on the ground. i also had 2 sets of v-brake adaptros welded to the frame cuz these rims arent a coaster brake set, they have machine bearings inside of heavy gauge spokes and doulbe walled rims.
fast eddie

fast eddie