The rims are done!!! I was able to rebuild/ pack the hubs before work and at lease mount the two front tires. I love the colour but now having second thoughts about the material on the seat?????
what so you think of this colour! Its chryler's new colour line! Its called "Good to go!"
Sorry its rainning here! so no real good shots
this colour is UNREAL in the sun!.........Kev was floored :shock: :mrgreen:
the tires I got were free/ trade for some uhpolstery work and are BMX 2.125
once I get the back tire together and on. The bike will have a forward rake to it.
I also removed the front brakes......the pads will rub the paint off........not a big problem the rear is a coaster! In its place I found big black LED headlights just like the chrome ones (pics to fallow) one for each side.
only a few more things left to do and a few more add on's .....Kev has also made some great ideas I would like to go with so time will tell.
Great job to the reast of you out there....there are going to be some great rides next summer!