Re: First Ride in 50+ years, Model T and Bike Polo
aka_locojoe said:
Cool stuff as always. Like the polo guys posing. Kudos to you for going the extra mile for your FIL in trying to make it enjoyable and comfortable. I like the red walls.
Thanks Randy

I want him to be comfortable with it so he enjoys it and it's not only a vehicle to DQ
It was a bummer last weekend, with rain and a graduation, we missed our DQride
But we got out today 90F and breezy. he likes the new grips, "not as sticky", and bar pad
Going up to the order window and my FIL says "Maybe I should ride that one home"
He was talking about the bike shaped bike rack, I laughed
He had a Med Cone and me a Reese's peanut butter cup mini blizzard (mmm)
Then I asked if he wanted to make a funny picture of him trying to ride the rack
He says "Yeah!" with a glint in his eye :lol: No coaching needed, he's a natural
So we change up the routine and stopped at the hardware store on the way home
Got a propane tank and a small rosebud tip to gun blue the JUP
Talked about tools but think he got bored
We need to slow down for 16 blocks down to DQ and 16 back so it's a lot of explaining and hand signals when to go through the intersections
But he is getting really good about riding really slow without putting his feet down
He hates wearing the helmet and so applies "kid logic" to it :lol:
"I didn't have to wear a helmet when I was a kid"
Then I try to explain that it's because of his age and newness on a bike
He says "Then you are going to start wearing a helmet when you turn 65?"
"Yes, I will", it's easier to say then trying to rationalize again and again
and I don't feel obliged to be a good example
When we got home, we parked the bikes and did my favorite thing, talk bikes
Seems he remembered about bluing a gun, he was a paratrooper in the Korean war
Hard to tell if he got it or not but I'll show him and see what he thinks
He says to me while I'm leaving: "So I'll see you later on" I said "I'll see you next week"
"Next week?" and laughs
but talking with my wife, he wishes we would be going to DQ again that day
My wife says he asks to ride there almost everyday now
Don't we all wish we could just eat DQ? Oh well
Thanks for looking