Texas A&M maroon tank showed up so Kate has ixnayed the bare metal scheme. Apparently aggies have this some kind of silly thing happening that causes them to preserve that color at all cost so whatever, silly aggie scooter it is. 16" Grimeca snowflakes on the way, I have a set of Bernardi brakes for them already and the 16's give me the option for dot tires or bicycle in 20"
I was up in the air on motor choices here but fitment made up my mind for me. I only have to make a small stitch loop here for this one and the others were just pointlessly overkill or straight up might as well start over ridiculous
That Robin was just nope. That excludes the 212 by default and a Morini here would be awesome but I really do not want this to go 70
Someone didn't think I woulx need my drill and left with it in their truck. Whatever, I can mount this damn thing when she gets home. It is still better than the tree even with the whole damn thing in my lap