Fork help.

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Remove the stem (some call it a goosneck) by losening the bolt on top of it. I'm assuming this bolt is there as it isn't pictured. If that doesn't make the stem come free, give the bolt a sharp blow or two, or three.... to unseat the expander wedge. Some penetrating oil may help with this too. shows how "normal" threaded stems work.

At this point I remember that Xardozz (I spelled that wrong) has a blog about fixing bikes. Check it out.
yup, if the stem doesnt wiggle out put the bolt back in, give it a couple turns were its still above the stem, and give the bolt a wack with a hammer, put a piece of wood on the bolt if your worried bout diggin stuff up. You should be able to tell when the wedge drops, then youll be able to pull out the handlebar stem.

should be able to grab em with pliers and unthread em. the should be standard thread and rotate counter clockwise, all my bikes have a standard nut on the very top, then a washer, then the race, after thatthe fork should just slide (or fall) out the bottom. there arent any fastener visible looking straight down from above are there ?
Not yet! All you've done is removed the stem. Now there are two Things that hold forks in. The lock nut (Chrome thing on top of fork) and lock ring the round textured thing that looks like a big washer. Remove them and the fork should drop out. The bearings will come out too. They should not be loose but in little cages that hold them. Just in case though take it apart over an old towel so you don't lose anything.
I'd just use a pair of channel locks with a T-shirt around it for protection.

Should loosen up and come right off.

naw it wasn't you but didn't wanna get my RRB privileges revoked. it's a cool site i love it. so on that note if your cool with i'm cool with it :D

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