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Ebay adds don't bug me much on a 17", but the laptop at home may be different. My only complaint is they don't work well with my QuickDrag extension for Firefox.
Home page and gallery work dandy, but SoCal Jack's Felt fork post goes way past the edges of my monitor, while everything else in the forums is squashed or cut down on the right side. :?
I just realized, is the auto-resize function still active right now? that might be part of the problem.
We are working on a solution for the photo auto resize function.

It was resizing the main banner image up top as well as the photos in the posts.

Going to try to come up with a fix in the next day or so.
That's what happens when the site owner designs websites for a living. :wink:
sensor said:
pics are showing up full size now and i found a way around the ebay stuff......just block them.
no complaints now :mrgreen:

You could also send me a check each month and I'll shut them off. :lol: :lol: :lol:
This is all still in the testing stages so nothing is set in stone.

I may decide to run the Ebay panel as a horizontal strip at the bottom of the page.

I look at this thing more than anyone so if something seems really annoying, I'll change it.

Also....I look at the site on a 23" Apple Cinema Display, a 21" Dell widescreen monitor and also a 15" Dell laptop.
Im not big on the ebay ads, but if its ebay ads or no site, well then ebay ads it is :wink: Good call on ebay ads with bike stuff though, much rather that than cell phone ads :roll:
aka_locojoe said:
Rat Rod said:
I may decide to run the Ebay panel as a horizontal strip at the bottom of the page.
I like that idea.
SAME HERE, I was looking at posted photos and because of the ebay bar poor Danimal was 1/2 cutoff, which made him the size of the rest of us. :D
We solved the auto resize issue so the photos should auto scale down to 800 pixels wide now.

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