Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
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Curious as to what your opinions are on the organization of the forum categories on the site.

Do you like them the way they are?

Would you like them divided up differently?

My goal is to make the forum as easy to use and functional as possible.

Your input is welcomed! :D
i think it works great although there are people who post the wrong things in the wrong areas and dont move them. say a done bike in the build area. or maybe a not so rat rod bike in the gallery area. but there are grey areas with that one so please dont think i am starting stuff :D . it works as it is i love this site thanks steve!!
As I'm in the Netherlands I hardly ever look at the Swap Meet sections, and scroll down to the Scrap Yard sections. If you could make a "fold in" button at all 3 categories, I could minimize the Swap Meet part and I wouldn't have to scroll down anymore as the top and bottom sections would fit on my screen. Other than that I'm one happy puppy around here, great job Steve 8)
...I know its peeves some people, but when someone new post something without posting an intro :? .... is there a way of creating a protocol program upon when someone new joins in and creates an account, it will automatically bring that person to the intro? ( I have no idea if this subject have been brought up :roll: )

...other than that I wouldn't change a thing, I find this site very easy to navigate :D
Kinda my thing too. Nothing says you have to post an intro or list where you live on your signature. It seems like it could be setup where both were required fields when you fill out the part to join....Maybe ? I think it takes a while to get use to any site. This one seems pretty easy to me. It does seem like that a while after the buildoff is over it should be moved to the bottom.
Other forums sometimes have a "5 post rule" before you are allowed to create your own thread in certain sections.
Uncle Stretch said:
With all the people joining like we are giving away free felt tires , it would be hard to keep up with that . :lol:
The forum software would be able to handle it no problem.

But I don't think that is a good idea anymore. There have been some one-post wonders in the For Sale section with good deals. The guy I bought the Dyno Moto 7 from only had a couple of post and now is gone.
you've made this site very easy for even a computer novice like me to use. this is the only bike site i really even go to and this site has kept my renewed passion for classic cruisers as well with other bikes. good lookin out for having a great site! :D

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