(Is there some real conspiracy here against electric cars?)
A friend told me that the world’s most profitable business is selling paper. By that, he meant the insurance industry; because that’s what they’re selling, until something actually happens and you (must try to) collect.
Anyhow, I am so amazed that hip young people are willing to go right to bat for the gigabuck insurance corporations.
I remember when young people became very distrustful of the giant corporations trying to sell them things, like food, cigarettes, insurance, booze and cars. It happened right before I came of age (meaning eligible for the military draft.)
But they say politics makes strange bedfellows, and if you read the history of Abraham Lincoln you’ll find out that this was actually a literal thing in the days of limited hotel space.
Nowadays, it is the crowded digital webspace which efficiently joins frightened pedestrian peoples to the extremely wealthy merchants of paper etc, and aligns anxious dole recipients to the worlds most profitable companies.
There is an insurance company somewhere that will sell you insurance on this. That doesn’t mean they will pay you anything when it falls over. It just means that someone with bad intentions will sell you paper for enough money.