FREESTYLE MADNESS post them up!!!

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Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
Los Alamitos Ca
Rating - 100%
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I see alot of you guys have some freestyle radness sittin your your garage and sheds.lets checkout whats out there.heres my new school 1999 Dyno Slammer project.This is a NOS frame/fork,NOS haro Cheveron stem,NOS chrome GT 48 hubs and NOS 48 Weinmann hoops.

1998 Specialized Flyboy, one of my more recent pick ups, thought I was just going to flip it to help fund other projects, then I rode it and loved it.

I've got some others posted here and a 1991 Redline RL220 that I don't have pictures of yet.
I just posted this in another thread recently, but it'll probably be getting a clean up this week:


1987 Haro Sport.

Debating whether or not to get a new sticker set for it. Only original once...

Got my eye on a 1987 Dyno Detour I might try to grab next week. I should have pulled the trigger on it, but I thought I'd wait for half price day at the local thrift and see if its still there. If its gone someone got a good deal on it, but I'm trying to make money on it.
Went back for the Dyno Detour today and it was still there (no one around here seems to know much about bikes, the shinier it is, the more they'll pay for it, so I figured it would still be there):

It's rough, but in decent shape. Looks to be brush-painted black:


Things like pretzel bars made it worth picking up:


Somebody will want the frame, if nothing else. Not sure if either of the wheels are original:


Also picked up this Schwinn. Didn't know if it was anything or not, but it was only $15 and had decent tires, wheels and metal pedals on it, so I sprung for it. Turns out it's "high end" Wally World stuff (figured with the plastic chain guard and made in China sticker):


Heck, supposedly the frame is aluminum, probably get my money back scrapping that, but I'll take what I want and build it up for some local kid.
Here is my 1987 GT Performer that I've had since day one :D
I got it for Christmas in 87. :mrgreen:
I went for a nice long ride on it today cuz it was very spring like ( FINALLY!!! , loooong winter )
That Dyno is pretty sweet, I think those forks are pretty hard to come by, pretzel bars are pretty sweet too :lol: love the performer too, same bike I was jealous of bitd, I've got my Fiola wannabe apart right now, trying to drill out the stem to add a gyro/mod bolt to it.
bikejunkie said:
man that Performer is super rad!My buddy had that exact bike when we were young.Always a little jealous. :lol:

CCR said:
That Dyno is pretty sweet, I think those forks are pretty hard to come by, pretzel bars are pretty sweet too :lol: love the performer too, same bike I was jealous of bitd, I've got my Fiola wannabe apart right now, trying to drill out the stem to add a gyro/mod bolt to it.

Thanks! :mrgreen:
It was the bike I picked out at the bike shop and my grandparents bought it for me for christmas in 87. That same year my sister picked out her purple Mongoose FS1. She still has hers too 8)
bikejunkie said:
heres my completed Dyno Slammer.Unfortunatly I got to ride it 20 feet before my back tire exploded so now it just sits in my garage!! :lol:

When I was 20 I had a slammer frame laying around, decided to build it. There was a killer bank to wall I went to test it on, problem was the approach was blind. You had to cutt down an alley and the turn is obscured by the building. Made a 8ouple runs a decidef to put a ride up for all of hidtory....
I must have been going 30 when I came around the corner.
I met a moped head on, doing 30.
Man it hurt!
The front wheel and fork imploded, the bars wrapped forward around the moped forks!
We both got concussions, I suffered a couple broken ribs, the moped kid broke his wrist and moped was totalled.
I stripped it back to the frame, gave it to a poor buddy telling him it could be bent. Rode fine!
86 Master

Couple'a Mag Shocks...Man I have one left but I Cant seem to get it to sell! :(

And my baby. My Bully.

Seth from Bully/Immortis is re-releasing the bashguards VERY soon. Can't wait!
I met a moped head on, doing 30

Hahaha man that's not how you want to meet something at all!!!Doesn't surprise me that it didn't hurt that frame.These things were built at the same place Sherman tanks were made! :lol:

HEYSLUGGER dope Bully!!

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