crowxjane said:.................I just had a little emotional attachment to it :mrgreen:
Oh man, how I know this feeling. I've put my favorite/current build on hold for a month while I'm putting a bike together for my son who's away at college too. I'm determined to build it exactly the way he's been asking, without throwing in too much of my own ideas, and although it's been tough, it's really starting to come together now and looking very cool. It's a '57 Columbia Fire Arrow and just this weekend I said for the first time to my wife, "This thing is way too nice to let it sit outside in the rain chained to a bike rack with a bunch of other bikes banging up against it!" To which she exclaimed, "See, I told you this was going to happen! You aren't even going to give it to him, are you?!?" So that's when I realized it's official; I'm now emotionally attached to this bike! The thought of it rusting out or worse, being stolen, is starting to get to me! The thought of someone stealing its tank or flipping on its lights and leaving them on all night, killing the batteries, eats at me! But at the same time, the joy of giving it to him in about a month will be so rewarding. It's a dillema, no doubt. I'm not gonna highjack your thread with pics but just wanted to add that I know the feeling very well. I'm actually thinking about shooting the entire bike with a matte finish clear coat once it's done to try to protect it from some of the weather it's going to face. And maybe I'll do it a few more times when I show up for football games this winter! Everyone else will be tailgating and I'll be hanging out at the bike rack by his dorm with my rattle can of clear and a can of PB Blaster and a wad of 0000 steel wool!55ColumbiaBuilt said:Now I worry that when my daughter returns home from college for a visit, she will want to take it back with her. I wouldn't mind, but it will spend it's life chained to a bike rack in the rain. I believe that this bike has not seen a drop of rain..............ever!