I still have that "punched in the gut" feeling about what I experienced today and just gotta share it in an effort to relieve myself of the trauma. In the mood to pay triple what it'd be worth, I stopped by an old antique store today in a rural part of Maryland and inquired about any old bikes. The shop owner told me no but got my hopes way up when she said an old guy down the way used to collect a mess of bikes. She picked up the phone and called him, then put me on the phone with him. He gets me all wound up with stories of once having as many as 500 bikes but isn't into it anymore. Sold most of them over the years and parted out a bunch too. Since he mentioned parting out a bunch of them I figured I'd at least aim my efforts at obtaining an old frame or two from him. Nope! Here's the kick to the groin: He said he recently borrowed his son's truck and trailer and took about ONE HUNDRED old frames to the local salvage yard and sold them all for .18 (cents) per pound. :shock: Oooofff! Then he added that they were all crushed into a cube of twisted metal. And that's when I woke up to the old lady waving the smelly ammonia stick under my nose! (Kidding about the smelling salts but all the rest is true!) Dang, that's painful.