I ride a bike path on the beach all the time and cant stop when someone or another bike crosses in my path, I have 2 accidents in 2 weekends and its only getting busier. yesterday someone from another country that drives on the left drove straight into me! no one got hurt too bad but band-aids were needed, what happens is the rear just locks up and I keep moving forward, its like in slow motion, you can see whats going to happen and cant do a .... thing! so I'm thinking I want to put a Sturmey Archer front drum brake on my bike with the rat trap springer front end. Udall Customs has put a Worksman drum brake on a rat trap springer, but I am wanting a smaller and lighter brake. any ideas or help is truly appreciated, btw I have searched on here for a while and only found UdallsCustombikes post,
Thanks in advance for any help!
Thanks in advance for any help!