I ride fixed ATM (46x18 fwiw)... Everywhere... recently completed a 125mile audax on it
I love SS, but here in Northern blighty it's a bit hilly, especially as I'm only a 10 minute ride from the pennine moors :s
That said though, I have a sturmey s7c to go in either a folder or a muscle at some point, I must be getting soft...
+1 for a front brake though
Yeah fixes wheel does get a lot of grief tbh but I agree the hipsters are a dying breed, build mine as a cheap simple commuter cz I couldn't afford a 2spd kickback and have ridden exclusively fixed for the last 10years ish, but I do love the clean drivetrain of fixed/coaster... And I'd sell my soul for an ordinaryI think fixed gear is an awesome drivetrain, but it doesn't get a lot of love here on RRB. I don't get it, as FG is about as minimalist and raw as you can get, this side of a bigwheel. I think some folks are terrified of being mistaken for a "Hipster", but "hipsters" around me moved on from fixed about 4 years ago. It's obvious that the hipsters' numbers are in decline, and they've been listed as a "species of special concern" by the NJDFW.
My ficed gear cruiser is geared 46x18, too, but with 26x2.125" tires.
I always liked the simplicity of a single speed coaster brake hub but I recently rode a bike with a Sturmey Archer X-RD3 hub & have to say it was real nice. 3 internal gears & a drum brake. It used a 2 trigger shifter which I also liked.
Those Sturmey-Archer offerings sure sound interesting. Looks like I need to do some research.