Getting Excited

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Feb 9, 2008
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Its funny , I'm old and it usually takes quite a bit to get me excited. Right now waiting
on a tire for this latest build really does it. Waiting on some new stuff you ordered off
of Ebay or from some company is really cool when it hits your house. You rip open the boxes
and are amazed by the part inside. Its like they really mean something. A new tire or
handle bars. Its way more exciting than going to the LBS and buying a bunch of stuff. :lol:
B607 said:
I'll bet you were one of those who couldn't wait for Christmas day! 8) Gary

I know...right? This stuff is so silly....but really fun. I built a small motorcycle and ordered a bunch
of stuff at one time. The ups guy thought he lived at my house. He was even curious as to what I got.
I agree! I love the feeling of anticipation! Sometimes it's actually better than whatever is being anticipated!
I was really excited while waiting on a set of Jerald Sulky whitewalls, and when they arrived, it took less than 30 mins for me to mount them. They look fantastic on my Electra Vince, and I get compliments and questions about them all the time!
I like old stuff I bought showing up more. I once had 3 packages arrive in one day. I live in military housing, so they leave the box by the door, just like the old days. I can see the box from down the street, it's a morale booster.
Wildcat said:
I like old stuff I bought showing up more. I once had 3 packages arrive in one day. I live in military housing, so they leave the box by the door, just like the old days. I can see the box from down the street, it's a morale booster.

When you get it, do you find paw & wet nose prints on the packaging/wrapping from the MWD teams that have checked it out before you get home?? :lol:
Got spokes ordered

Porkchop parts ordered

Skyway wheels ordered

All ave tracking #'s and 2 of the three made it to Hazlewood, MO sort facility on Friday/Saturday morning, the next to last stop before they show up usually. Was hoping one would surprise me and be @ home/work Saturday but it didn't happen. Now that the weekends over, they have all started moving and show out for delivery. I have to agree it is one of the best feelings.

One thing that really gets me is the UPS driver is kind of a jerk, stuff that is supposed to go home usually shows up at work, and vice versa ... I'm pretty sure he does it on purpose. He even drops stuff off at my grandmas house 2 blocks away from my work sometimes , but once you actually get it you dont care anymore :lol:
This whole bike stuff is fun. The building ,the coveting of rare parts that nobody
else in the world has. ha ha. I bought one of those dana hubs . I have seen them
before and they are really unique. Will I ever put it on a build....probably not but
when it got here I was one happy puppy.
Now my black fat frank is out for delivery....Yes!!! can't wait. Last piece of the puzzle. :wink:
I don't often get to order parts, but when I do it is from Amazon, Porkchop, or a number of discount mountain bike websites. My life is pretty busy so sometimes I forget that I ordered something and it's a total surprise when it shows up, other times I'm chomping at the bit waiting and look for the brown truck and even stop when I see one somewhere else and ask the driver if he has anything for my address.

Yeah, we're all just big kids.

Watched "Where the Red Fern Grows" this weekend, hadn't seen it for probably 20 years, but after he ordered the hounds and they ended up a town away and he had to wait a few days more I knew how he felt. Sometimes you check the tracking and see where the box stopped and you wonder if you could just drive there and get it earlier. :mrgreen:
I'm the same way when it comes to the anticipation's fun and somewhat addicting.

When I was a kid during the summer down in Texas I would buy the skateboarding magazines and just about every ad would say, "Send a SAE and $1.00 for stickers." I would send off while I was at my Grandparents house and within a week or so, the letters would start arriving in the mailbox full of brightly colored decals with all kinds of cool graphics. To this day when I see some of those decals I still get that feeling of excitement that I had as a kid. Ordering those decals played a big part in me becoming a graphic designer.

The opposite side of this is waiting for days in anticipation for something to arrive and then you find out it doesn't fit. :?
Rat Rod said:
The opposite side of this is waiting for days in anticipation for something to arrive and then you find out it doesn't fit. :?

Sorry, it was my fault, I said those red heels were an 11, but I forgot they were a 10.
I sold off most of my collection .. and stay'd off the site long as I could.. but i did pretty good for a while..
now I am back at it... ha ha... just going to keep it under 10 bikes this time... I am trading bikes...
and selling them off.. but its really exciting I stay home on days I have boxes coming in :oops:
Uncle Stretch said:
Now my black fat frank is out for delivery....Yes!!! can't wait. Last piece of the puzzle. :wink:

That's the cherry on top ... getting that last part that keeps it from being ridden :D
My daughter was young and one day the mail person knocked on the door and asked if I had
a garbage bag. I gave her one and then thought why am I furnishing bags for the post office.
She came back in a few minutes with a full garbage bag of mail. I asked her what it was and
she said it was all addressed to my daughter. Turned out to be several thousand tampons.
She was calling a radio station to win tickets to a tractor pull and if you didn't win them
they gave your a package of free tampons. She must have called a gillion times because she
won 14 tickets and a garbage bag full of tampons. :shock: :shock: :shock:
I also enjoy the "Thrill of the Hunt" just about as much as I do actually getting cool stuff.
Just in the past week or I have had fun
-Finding a Nexus7 hub cruiser
-Finding a slick deal on a Miami Sun trike
-Getting 5 new BOA G tires for a steal
-Finding out that a small tube beading tool that was in a $3 bucket of bolts is worth $70-100.
Just like Gump's box o choclates.
I even stopped here today and got some bars for my performer while traveling for work ...



still more excited about the pork chop parts I knew was waiting at work :D