Ghetto cruiser/ Board tracker

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Gainging a little more ground on the Jerry (atric) Springer. I still need to fine tune the spacers and top plate, but it's getting there. I now feel like the headlight has to be a keeper....shoot! Now I have to make it work....haha


A little more work on the bike this week. I smoothed up the holes and edges on the fake tins and gave them a few coats of the base color. I haven't fully decided how I am going to weather/patina them yet, but that will come in time. I have also come up with a plan to blind mount them, and I added a few copper buck rivets to mimic faux fasteners. This bike is kind of turning into the "FAUX MOBILE"...haha

I also finished up the doing some patina effect on the frame and fake springer. My daughter and her friends hate it because it looks old. What can I say besides....NAILED IT!..haha

New Fat franks tires in creme mounted up and ready. The bike is coming along nicely. It definitely doesn't look like a Walmart special pics....




Oh geeez, I was leaning toward ghetto fabulous, but I appreciate your compliment! Thanks...haha

It's raining here now, so i am going to tear into this light and see if I can make it functional
Well, we have light!

I wired in a small micro switch and ran some external leads off the lamp. Very basic, but it will work just grand! I routed some of the wiring through the frame, probably not period correct, but I had to hide something. I still need to figure out a battery pack holder. I am pretty sure I am going to mount it on the seat post down tube, seems like a good location. I played around with some copper tubing I had on hand, but it was just a smidge too tight. I have flip flopped for ideas. If anyone has a suggestion, I am all ears......flask maybe?...rusty tuna can?....anything



Ohhh, never even thought about leather...or even wood for that matter. Great idea!

More patina, number plate and a start to the finished wiring. I also came up with a temporary solution for the battery to buy some time until I can find something nicer....cloth tape and some metal tie straps on an L bracket. It does look old!...haha.

It is almost finihsed!




SHMO said:
More patina, number plate and a start to the finished wiring. I also came up with a temporary solution for the battery to buy some time until I can find something nicer....cloth tape and some metal tie straps on an L bracket. It does look old!...haha.

It is almost finihsed!





Ya Know...
... You're PROBABLY gonna get me in trouble with the Mrs's on this one - 'cuz I'm starting to feel inspired here & she's already getting mad at me for how many old bikes we have now!!!

Seriously - I've been enjoying watching your build here...
... Looks Great!!!

Talk Soon!
Will & Wendy,

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