Global Warming, my...

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Jun 29, 2009
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Woke up to this view this morning...keep in mind this is near Palm Springs, CA:


Some local wildlife coming out after it started to melt off a bit (there were actually 7 total). That "river" you see behind them is actually the middle of the golf course! :shock: :

It's unseasonably warm up here in Washington as the jetstream has delivered you folks down south our colder weather. Don't worry about that though. Sure it has nothing to do with human impact on our earths weather system whatsoever. Continue as you were. Nothing to worry about. :shock:

Great winter to ride the bicycles up here..... 8) 8)
41DX said:
It's unseasonably warm up here in Washington as the jetstream has delivered you folks down south our colder weather. Don't worry about that though. Sure it has nothing to do with human impact on our earths weather system whatsoever. Continue as you were. Nothing to worry about. :shock:

Whew! Thanks! I was beginning to get riled up about the whole thing! :p
I'm all for reducing waste and pollution, but a couple of vulcanic eruptions or solar field variations can make human carbon exchange practically invisible.
deorman said:
I'm all for reducing waste and pollution, but a couple of volcanic eruptions or solar field variations can make human carbon exchange practically invisible.

Correct, has for thousands of years....
I've been in the weather business since 1981, mostly military weather, so I've spent a lot of time observing and keeping track of our atmosphere.

The biggest event I have followed up on is Mt. St. Helens. By all our calculations, it should have taken 3 times as long for the atmosphere to clean itself up after that eruption. The clearing of the volcanic ash in a short period of time is still unexplained. All kinds of theories, going back to the dinosaurs, have to be re-evaluated.

I think it's a working relationship between the air, sea, and land that has more going on than we can fathom. Maybe space too, as it interacts with the upper atmosphere.
I have no doubt that we have an impact on the earth and it's climate but that's the way it goes. The dinosaurs were environmentally friendly and walked everywhere instead of driving and what did it get them?

If anything was going to prolong human existence on Earth I think less population would have a better chance than recycling plastic bottles.
aka_locojoe said:
I have no doubt that we have an impact on the earth and it's climate but that's the way it goes. The dinosaurs were environmentally friendly and walked everywhere instead of driving and what did it get them?

If anything was going to prolong human existence on Earth I think less population would have a better chance than recycling plastic bottles.

I have a lot to say on this topic, but with all this nice weather today, I am loading up our three boys, the girlfriend and the dog into the Suburban driving way out in the country and taking them for a mountainbike ride. Sunny skies, take adavantage. Heck, the kids can worry about global warming later. Gotta go, more important things to worry about. Still have five bikes to mount on the racks and the girlfriend almost has our lunches packed.
Enjoy the day,

Right.....because atypical weather patterns weren't predicted as a result of global warming....even if it's not going to "warm" the earth, why would anyone want to keep filling our air with carbon? I don't see many people asking for a big spoonful of charred slag in a glass of water, why would you want to breathe it?

All I know is, you put ice in a glass of ice water in a warm room and cover it, it's warming. The "atmosphere" in the glass gets colder as the ice melts, then it gets overall warmer - I don't see a big difference in what may or may not be happening to weather.

I have to wonder what our grandparents would have done. I'm guessing based soley on the position OPEC puts us in, they would have all tried to limit their use of gasoline and choked off thier cashflow.

The perverse irony of a patriotic bumper sticker on a gas guzzler never ceases to make me feel less and less hopeful of our will to stand up and make real change instead of trying to spite our fellow Americans by refusing to make some sacrifices to fight the real enemy.
The police in England thought they'd found the mass grave of thousands of dead snowmen yesterday.

Turned out it was only a field of carrots.
Wow, guys -
This thread was meant to show a great-looking but very surprising layer of snow on my house in Palm Springs, with a joke header...not spur a flame war. :roll:

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