The best trick off all is removing rust by soaking steel part in vinegar for 24 hours ( sometimes a little less time), then scrubing with a good brass brush, then wiping or soaking in oil ( AFC 50, lubricant and corrosion preventative) Works awesome on skiptooth chains. Most of the time the vinegar eats the rust out of the stuck links. Since brass is softer than steel it wont scratch it, and leaves a yellow ( brass) tint to it. I think the brass transfer to steel part also helps prevent the corrosion from returning. Be carefull not to soak in vinegar for to long, it can damage the steel. Once I left a skiptooth chain in the vinegar for 3 days & while cleaning it the chain links started breaking apart. Notice in this picture the chain, wheel nuts, and other hardeware are yellowish from that procedure.
You can see the chain, nuts, skiptooth cog, and kickstand brassed in this picture.
You can see the chain, nuts, skiptooth cog, and kickstand brassed in this picture.