no need to make room in the records book yet, i went a blazing... err,,, 22.7mph
here is my test hill
two pics 'cause it has a slight curve in it. can't get it all in one pic. an overpass near my house, about 1/4ml top to bottom. if you go down westward it eventually parallels the railroad tracks it goes over, so there's nowhere to make a right turn and/or be cut off. seemed like a good place for initial tests.
i'd liked to have had better first numbers, but i'm not too discouraged yet for a couple reasons.
all of the vids i've found show much longer rides. mine lasted about 30 seconds, so i'm hoping a longer hill will give better results
it was a compleatly drama free ride. no shakes or wobbles. so it's not like, "i barely made it down but i'm trying the side of a mountain tomorrow". whatever the bike's limit is, i don't think i was anywhere near it.
some little tunings things could still happen, straiter rims, a bit of brake rub, higher pressure tires. i'm hoping to let those improvements come with finding good deals.
latest version of the bike
lowered my "clip- ons", added a bit more bracing back to the foot pegs, wheels/tires off another bike i had around, slight seat tilt adjustment, and a cheap bike computer (about $12. the most expensive thing i got particular to this build. i had spent about $4 up 'til then).
still a fun experiment though. i mean to go by a couple of skate shops and see if they know of any street luging that gets done locally to find a better hill. also playing with the second bike (i call it "the poseur" 'cause it looks like it would be faster than my first, but most likely wont be) and will probally try it on whater hill i try the first on to see what difference there might be.
no need to make room in the record books i guess, but hopefully i can do better eventually.