Grunge Rudge update

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Mar 15, 2009
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Brewster, Massachusetts
Rating - 0%
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I needed a classy bike for the Coast To Coast Ride in Orleans on Sunday. It's less than five miles from Rock Harbor on the bay side to Nauset Beach on the Atlantic side and it's set up by the Orleans PD for the Bike Awareness month. Older retired people show up along with a lot of kids. A long line of us are led through town by the police dept to make it a safe trip for all. They give away free stuff to the kids at the end and yes I'm a big kid too!

I was going to take my Moon Eyes which is a great ride but with a few changes on the old '58 Rudge made it a better choice. I put on bars from my Vista Swingbike. My cushy seat from my Two Ross's Tallbike which I set as far back as it would go. This made this rad and plaid coaster a great cruiser.


I got a lot looks from the crowd because it was one of three custom bikes there. A local LBS owner had a tricked out Raleigh 20 with trailer and my favorite local bike nut with his very custom trike with a truck tire for a rear wheel, a '32 Ford style front end, Recumbent, office chair seat, towing a very long trailer with a beach umbrella, a cooler, rear sprung, electric assist, ooooh! :shock: He claims he made it after he saw the Big Daddy Roth film, all my fault. When he post a picture I'll drop it in here.
Thanks, I got a new seat today plus a horn to put on it. Also at my LBS I'm checking to see if their ape hanger bars are as comfy as those red bars that belong on my Vista Swing Bike. The worst that can happen is they'll stay put and I'll make new bars for the Vista.

Me LIKE the bars!.......I gotta get me a seat that looks like the top of MY head (mine would be smooth).

KOTA said:
Me LIKE the bars!.......I gotta get me a seat that looks like the top of MY head (mine would be smooth).

I never thought of it that way.............that was clever................looks like my head.......... :lol:

Yours would be a Brooks............. :lol: :shock: :lol:

Nearly completed. Took this picture on a New London bike ride today. Rob cannot resist a photo shoot at this location. I put some new chrome bars on with a mirror, leather bag, and horn. The seat is a new gel jobber but as comfy as it is I'm going to change to a brown beach cruiser seat with the chrome trim. Also I put on an Eastham bike plate #18 from 1961 or 62 when they started using them. I was about 10 years old when i got this plate. I'll take a picture of it when I put on another seat.


Ok, gotta ask did you change the hair style when you changed the seat? :lol: :lol:
That has to be one of the coolest painted bikes in Mas. Great Job Bro!!
KOTA, they're on to me. Yeah I dyed my hair black and got a Mullet :shock: :lol: Not likely bro and I'm not shaving my head to get a brown saddle!

If you want to see how I put the plaid to her you can go to the build through this but better yet you can go to a news letter I contributed to here on page six.

I almost forgot a little history of this build. Before the Grunge Rudge for the build off #4 I had chose a Robin Hood bike that I named Robbing Hood. It was to tall for me and it had a bent fork. When I ordered my red tires for the Rudge my LBS mentioned he was looking for a tall frame so I gave him the other bike which he used for some credit on the tires. He kept the Robbing Hood name and built a really cool comuter bike for his personal use. He said after he had it zeroed in for himself and added side bags he found a tall Raleigh with rod brakes. He set this one up the same and passed the Robbing Hood off to a friend who took it to the village in NYC where it was stolen. That bike had the wrong name :roll:

Very cool picture! I’m surprised they let you leave with your bike. :shock: How many times did they ask
you if they could hang that bad boy up? Probably would have put the other bikes to shame. :D

I love that bike!! :mrgreen:
Just getting ready to leave Vermont November and took a tour at the Long Trail Brewery where I took this picture. I had some samples..........still my favorite place to stop here in VT, except for the Old Spokes Home in Burlington but thats another story.

