Going Yellow like the Fiola bike but just the frame. Build is just for fun and not a true restoration in any means, I liked the 85 decals best with the yellow, I also went with the Japan "pro" decals instead of the cursive looking USA decals.
Won't get the frame back until next wednesday :roll: Got bored and started throwing the front end together only to find the brake mounting hole had been drilled out of whack. Any ideas on how to get a brake to mount straight without boogering it all up ? I thought about drilling a straight and slightly bigger hole with a sleeve in place to keep it from moving around but I'm wondering if it is even worth the trouble.
I confess I know absolutely zilch about all things BMX. But I have been fascinated by a lot of the cool looking stems that accompany this genre of bicycles and have bought quite a few. The colorful stems in one of the previous posts look great and I want a Purple one. Can anyone link me up with a place that sells them? Every so often when I have a lot of free time I like to look over all the different types of builds. At 300 pounds a BMX bike isn't something I would consider buying but I love to see the skills and imagination of all the different members. I am also envious of the BMX mags that are so much more common (and cheaper) than what is available for 26" ballooners. Keep having Fun! Robert