Hey everyone. Name is Jason. I'm rolling in from Central VA. Been lurking the forums here for the few past weeks checking out bikes and builds. Funny enough I'm into VWs as well. Anywho.. got into this whole thing thanks to my brother Nelson (nelvolks) and our friend Justin (yoothgeye). I think the one thing that really got me interested was Downbike's air ride cruisers. After starting at their videos and pictures for like a week straight. I originally had the synopsis that I was gonna just hack up my own cruiser and mod with air, etc. Well for now the air isnt gonna be on but the bike wont be anything short of rat. I'm actually on the way to go check out a bike today, from what the ad says its a Catalian 6spd cruiser. I've also found an old rusted up AMF Roadmaster I wanted to get my hands on if I can get the spare $$$.
But i guess a little about me. I'm working on my degree as an Industrial Design more focusing on product design. Mostly modding my VW but I'm always dipping my hands into other stuff like r/c's, airsoft, and now cruisers. Hoping I can get some good knowledge from this site along with giving some as well.
But i guess a little about me. I'm working on my degree as an Industrial Design more focusing on product design. Mostly modding my VW but I'm always dipping my hands into other stuff like r/c's, airsoft, and now cruisers. Hoping I can get some good knowledge from this site along with giving some as well.