Hats off to my Friend Brad, Wounded Vet,...

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Feb 9, 2011
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My buddy brad stopped by this morning to show me his new bike and in hopes that I had a Presta fitting and some air, headed out for a ride. He got a last minute spot in a race the Marine Corp is gonna be putting on. Strange thing is, a few weeks back I looked and looked and could not find the extra Presta fittings I had so I had to go and buy a set, I opened the garage today and walked straight to em. He was working EOD back last june over in Afganastan and the unthinkable happened, lost both of his legs, he's been an inspiration to me and everyone that knows him and truly has made the best of it. He recently opened up his own gun shop from his home, custom building rifles and pistols and also selling them. He's always been a Harley guy and is having a custom chopper fitted to him, just an all around great guy, his little boy recently turned 3 and I'm just glad he's gonna be around to be his dad. If there ever was a guy who would be riding a rat cruiser, this would be him. I have many family members in the US Navy and Marine Corp and It's a great service the men and women of our Military provide, let us never take for granted the sacrifice these good folks make.

Thanks fellas, no doubt one of the toughest guys I have ever known, I couldn't imagine the sacrifice.