Have late 80's SchwinnCruiser frame. Need help finding parts

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Jul 1, 2007
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I have a frame that I'm trying to find parts for and need advice from anyone who's fixed up a Schwinn. I've gotten hasty and ordered a few parts that were the wrong size. Such as a triple clamp fork and a seat post from Electra and Nirve. The seat post was too big, and a local bike shop said that the fork wouldnt work with the frame.

To make a long story short I need to find a:
Schwinn headset
seat post
springer fork

...that will work with this frame. I'm not giving up, the frame is repainted and ready to go. I found a crankset and have installed that.

Many thanks.
Depending on the actual year of the frame it could be an 1-1/8" head set, which is pretty common on mountain bikes. The seat post is anybody's guess they make them in a range of sizes. You will either need to measure the old one or find one to measure. They can run from around 7/8" to over 1" typically they are measured in millimeters except for the much older bikes.

What year and model was the frame orignally?

Aaron 8)
Welcome aboard ahnuldyess - be sure to swing by the Intro thread and introduce yourself.

For the Schwinn frame, you will most likely need a 20.7mm seatpost. I believe this size was unique to Schwinn. Not hard to find though.

For the headset, you will need a 1" threaded style. Note that there are actually different sizes of 1" headset. Confusing? Yes, it is. Schwinns used the BMX size 1" if I'm not mistaken (as opposed to the 1" road bike size). Your best bet would be to measure the inside diameter of the headtube or take the frame to a bike shop and let them size it.

I'm guessing the forks you have are set up for a threadless headset. I seem to recall seeing a setup that will work with your frame fork combo, I'll post a link as soon as I can dig it up.

For more headset info, as always Sheldon Brown has the goods:


Springer forks are easy to find. Most online lowrider bikeshops have them. Original Schwinn springers can be found on ebay or places like Memory Lane Classics

Hope this helps

Thanks guys for welcoming me and getting back to me.

The Schwinn Cruiser is late 80's early 90's according to the bike shop and the original decals. The serial number is on the left rear drop out and starts with a Y. I have had no luck finding that match.

I did have my bike at a shop this weekend. They were saying to cut my losses because of Schwinn's weird sizes. This bike is a special heirloom that I want to get going again. It's so close.

The shop seemed to think that the forks wouldn't work due to pressure on the frame, but yet I see people do this. Maybe it's just the head set that's throwing me off.
ahnuldyess said:
I did have my bike at a shop this weekend. They were saying to cut my losses because of Schwinn's weird sizes. This bike is a special heirloom that I want to get going again. It's so close.

Find yourself another shop to deal with. Seriously.

Yes, Schwinn does have a few odd sizes but it's not that big of a deal.

ie: here's a seat post that will fit (upper left hand picture):

http://www.chainganglowrider.com/Part%2 ... rdware.htm

Post a want ad in the classifieds here or over at http://www.schwinnbike.com/heritage/ I'm certain you'll find the parts you need.

Have a look here too:

Multipass, you know for sure that the seat post pictured will work? I went back to the bike shop I was at and they had looked up the bike in Schwinn records. Turns out it's probably late 80's early 90's.

If that's the size then good. Also, they said that the triple clamp fork wouldn't work I don't know why it wouldn't. It fit, I just need a threadless headset that will work with the frame. They were concerned of it shifting and causing stress on the frame.

Thanks so far for you help.
I have one of those seatposts and it fits all my Schwinn frames. The frames I have date from 1948 to 1969.

Just to be certain, could you post some pictures of your frame (and fork too) - particularly the serial number and the head tube area. If your Schwinn is an Electro-Forged frame, the 20.7mm (13/16") is the one you need.

BTW - I should have mentioned that a 20.7mm = 13/16" Older U.S. bikes used this size. This is a very skinny seatpost by todays standards.

Choppers US may have the headset to make your forks work. I would contact them direct to find out, they'll know more details about what their products fit:


Basically, to get the right parts, the two dimensions you need to know are:

1 - The inside diameter of the seat tube

2 - The inside diameter of the headtube

If I hadn't forgotten my calipers at work, I could confirm the measurements right now :roll:

Maybe one of the other members has the numbers handy?

Larry said:
When cruiser manufacturing went offshore the seatpost size changed.

My early nineties cruiser seatpost is bigger than the standard 13/16 size.

That's what I thought, but I wasn't 100% certain. Thanks Larry :D

ahnuldyess said:
Thanks guys for welcoming me and getting back to me.

The Schwinn Cruiser is late 80's early 90's according to the bike shop and the original decals. The serial number is on the left rear drop out and starts with a Y. I have had no luck finding that match.

I did have my bike at a shop this weekend. They were saying to cut my losses because of Schwinn's weird sizes. This bike is a special heirloom that I want to get going again. It's so close.

The shop seemed to think that the forks wouldn't work due to pressure on the frame, but yet I see people do this. Maybe it's just the head set that's throwing me off.

are there any numbers stamped on the headbadge? if it's as new as you (and the bike shop think) THAT'S the number you use.
I am overwhelmed with this forum, you guys are great. I don't feel so bad being obsessed with this, seeing the passion for bikes coming out here in the forum.

I will take some pictures of the bike and post them shortly. The bike frame does look like the one in the picture that Larry posted, but the headbadge that was originally on this bike was the traditional oval badge with the vertical Schwinn lettering. I did not see any serial numbers on the badge they are on the back left part of the frame.
Like some of the others said, find another bike shop, seriously. We have a shop here that has always bent over backwards for me... as long as I deal with Rob, the owner. Any time I go in there and a bunch of high school kids are working I just leave. I have a 40's..ish Hiawatha straight bar frame. I went in looking for a chain. Nothing fancy, I had put on a new crank and sprocket and a new rear rim and just needed a chain. I told the kid what I had and he looked at the other guys with a stupid look on his face and then back at me and said "What is that? Is it an 80's BMX?" Then Rob walked out and got me what I wanted. Try battle axe cycles. They should be able to get you the parts you need. I have a late 80's early 90's Schwinn frame. I just used a standard headset and one of their springer forks. I had to cut the steer tube down to fit though. Good luck, post some pics. JB
Thanks guys,

The serial number for the Schwinn Cruiser is Y4L01118

I see that I can't post the pics without a hosting site. Damn.
does it have the flat, blade type forks or are they "tubular"? Also, does it have the chainguard on it? Is it Cruiser or Cruiser 5 ?
ahnuldyess said:
Thanks guys,

The serial number for the Schwinn Cruiser is Y4L01118

I see that I can't post the pics without a hosting site. dang.

the serial number on the imported schwinns doesn't help with the date...starting in about 1974 (1975? 1976?) schwinn stamped the headbadge with a 4 didgit code (first 3 numbers are the day of the year, last didgit is the year...1355 would be 135th day of 1975/1985/1995)...this method becomes a problem if the headbadge is removed or replaced.

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